Paid for by National Right to Life Victory Fund. The government should have no role in the matter. I am pro-life. `Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; We need to fund these efforts. Yes, but repeat dangerous offenders belong behind bars. I know my Bible and the Law and I know how to navigate one with the other. Should welfare policy provide a safety-net to improve the immediate well-being of the poor and encourage work? Parents are endowed by God to raise their children. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Attorney General. The guide helped me see what the candidates really care about. Because Together, We Win!. I am the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran and a school teacher, the wife of a woodworker, the mother of three adult children, and the humble servant of God. Colorado legislators should uphold current immigration laws, not undermine them. Get your personalized sample ballot & voter guide, register to vote, and more. This is no longer Acceptable practice. Protecting the conscience rights of medical providers is a bit more of a gray area to me. SB19-143 mandated the early release of prisoners through the parole process, SB 21-271 was the so-called misdemeanor reform act that essentially took the handcuffs off of the criminals and shackled law enforcementthis bill also placed the minimum bounty on colorado families by allowing for a victimization of $2000 before an arrest can be made. They seek to murder our children in the womb or corrupt them with sexual promiscuity. We can not allow separation of church and state to emasculate the Church. I support DACA, but adults who come here illegally should not be able to jump in line ahead of those who follow the law. I worry that our freedoms, especially those named in the federal Bill of Rights, including the freedom to practice our religion as we choose, freedom of speech, and freedom to peaceably assemble, are being eroded, and that parents are losing their fundamental responsibility to raise their children as they see fit. I will fight for your rights equally with everyone else. This is the website of Family Policy Alliance and Family Policy Foundation. A Man's Guide to Standing for Life . In total, there are more than 5,414 Catholic youths under religious instruction in the Diocese of Colorado Springs. I believe that most Coloradans, and Americans want this country to honor God. We need measured legislators in office, people who will consider all sides of the issues and make policy decisions that take into account unintended consequences. Vote Under God provides information for pastors and individuals regarding voting Biblically. And legal pathways to citizenship are needed. Of course. It is our job to protect children. Yes in ideal circumstances that would happen. No. 615 Macon Ave., Room LL6 Caon City, CO 81212 (fax) 719-276-7338 [email protected] I am running to be your State Representative because the government has grown too big and reaches into every area of our lives and wallets. We are smart enough to do both, and with His help we can. He asked Whom should I send? I answered, Send me. I will wholeheartedly represent the people of House District 62 and respect them. ALL Candidates may fill out and respond to our Christian Voters Coalition: Christian Voters Guide: Candidate Endorsement Opportunity: We do not need a Government involved in most of our lives., Look around you- is Colorado better or worse than it was 20 years ago? Minimum wage laws serve to keep low-skilled workers out of the economy and drive up inflation. God gave people free will to test their faith. I am deeply interested to hear the perspective of your organization. 8655 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 866.655.4545 . these are personal issues between private citizens. Repeal and revision for reconsideration. Marriage should be determined by the church. I cant believe that companies are allowed to sell these thing to our children. The State of Colorado does not have endless tax dollars. Porn and kids shouldnt mic, but unfortunately they often do. I was twenty-five years in the Denver Sheriff and this topic was the goal of many various community programs. The child in the womb is a human being created in the image of God. Thats where you come in! The guide will be updated with new stories up to Election Day, Nov. 8. Archbishop Aquila serves on numerous boards and committees, including the Papal Foundation, the Bishops Advisory Council for the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Board of Trustees for the Augustine Institute. I support all legal immigrantion and pathways to citizenship. I support as many ways as possible to allow parents to educate their children in the manner that they see fit. While this idea may sound good and noble, it ignores human nature of the heart. More importantly, the separation of Church and State is not a Biblical concept. He asked Whom should I send? I, answered, Send me. I will wholeheartedly represent the people of House District 62 and, respect them. I believe that all the gimmicky policies insurers issue should be heavily scrutinized by the state insurance commissioner to either allow or deny the sale of a policy offering. Our Declaration of Independence recognizes that all of humanity is endowed with the Rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, but does not ensure anyone has or is provided anything, regardless of immigration status. Children, by definition, are not able to make those choices without parents to help them weigh the costs. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. As faithful Catholics, it is our duty shape the moral character of our community, state, and country through voting. Colorado established its hostility towards people of faith with the multiple lawsuits against the Cake Baker. There should be NO restriction of ANY kind on persons thinking, speaking, working, or acting according to their well-founded, sincerely held religious beliefs. I do believe in the first amendment and the freedom of religion. On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Mail ballots will be sent to all registered Colorado voters beginning Oct. 8, and can be returned through the mail or via ballot drop boxes. I have supported this legislation as a current legislator. As a reward, Peters now faces seven felony charges connected to the stunt. The 2 party system has given us the Colorado we have today; and families are scared! Voting Resources View All Clergy Legal Resources For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. As a legislator, I will actively consult with and seek the advice of the Catholic Conference. The Colorado General Assembly referred a handful of measures to Colorado voters and asked them to decide the outcome. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. And I will uphold the constitution without reservations. Were nonpartisan and therefore 501c3 compliant, so its easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. There are many challenges that I am ready to take on to improve public safety, tackle homelessness, mental health and alcohol/drug addiction (working with faith based org), and reduce the cost of housing, healthcare, and energy. How the Activated Church Can Make a Big Difference, My County: Help Produce a Local Voter Guide, 2022 Colorado General Elections Voter Guides, Watch: 2022 Colorado Election Debates and Candidate Forums, Next Voter Guide: 2023 Colorado Springs Municipal Election - Coming Soon, Help Create and Promote Local Voter Guides, For Pastors and Leaders: Ministry Engagement, Help Us Reach Our Goal: Donate Online Now. I can only deny those Rights to others by denying their status as Creator endowed, which precariously denies them to myself as well. or CLICK HERE first if youd like more specific information about how your donation, will be utilized for our national rollout and/or to donate by Check or ACH Transfer. All marriages are between individuals, whether or not sanctioned by a church. FILE - Florida Gov. I believe studies will show that social media may be worse for a childs wellbeing and self-esteem than graphic pornography. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . A few dates to remember: June 6 - First day that mail-in ballots are sent to voters.. June 20 - Last day for an individual to submit a voter registration application and still get a ballot in the mail. Private individuals and business can provide solutions that are efficient and successful. This is a totally barbaric act. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. I believe RHEA was for the best, given that the Dobbs decision sent the decision on reproductive choice back to the states. Church Voter Guides | Pastor Steve Holt Voter Registration & Ballot Info Help Produce a Voter Guide for YOUR County For Pastors and Ministry Leaders Watch: El Paso County Candidate Forums Now That You're HerePlease Share Our Website With Others: Use Email, Text, Social Media, Carrier Pigeon, or even a Flash Mob. But if it is a veiled green-wash intended to allow subsides of fossil fuels in the: Encouragement of private investment and competition within our energy sector as has happened over and over again- then no I wont let profit motive and business as usual to exterminate the human race. The government should have no say. Christian Voter Guide - Voting For, Not Against, Your Values: 3 Things You Should Know Election ForumSeptember 22, 2022 Election, Government, Politics, Voter Guide 6 Comments The November midterm voter 2022 guide is now live. These policy decisions are crushing our quality of life and literally killing our kids. The Corado General Assembly significantly overreached with such a heinous and barbaric policy. This is a better role for charity, with taxes reduced accordingly, which will foster economic growth and create jobs. I agree that healthcare legislation should be patient centered. Pro-choice people have to deny all good common sense to reason that a child is not human in the womb. I am unsure of the intent of this question. He has served as a Parochial Vicar and Pastor in various parishes. The Right to Life is premised on being created, not on a heartbeat or some conception of personhood, and can only be conferred from a higher power. This is another area where minimum wage laws prevent those trying to return with the ability to access the first rung of the ladder to success. The determination of how environmentally friendly a solution actually is requires looking beyond the surface.. Law enforcement officers who abuse their power or mistreat ordinary citizens should be held accountable. I hope that agreement can be reached across the aisle on this. I want to take reasonable steps to protect the environment, which is important to our Colorado way of life, but also to our tourism and agriculture economy. I am a Roman Catholic who shares the values of the churchs teachings. We should stick to that. As much as I would like to leave the personal lives of individual citizens to themselves, it has become evident that many groups cannot refrain from forcing their sediments on other and there for a persons freedom to choose must be protected. In addition, local churches that previously would not get involved with politics are now promoting our 501c3-compliant Church Voter Guides to their members. He graduated from Creighton University in 1989 with degrees in Philosophy and Theology. Add 2 strikes to the 3 strikes felony rule. Yes, both preventing crime and rehabilitating offenders should be goals of the criminal justice system. However, I do not believe it is the responsibility of the government to provide any mnore basic needs than we provide our own citizens. I believe wholeheartedly in harm reduction, housing first, and prioritizing caring support over punitive action. We saw people denied critical health care during the pandemic who refused the experimental gene therapy. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district. We can look work towards incorporating alternatives but we must also continue to use oil, gas, and coal. Although I stand as a candidate, the aided Write-in vote for Alexander Mugatu will be a vote in aid of us all! I have no opinion one way or the other. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. But since they are I would support this. Church Voter Guides creates a level playing field by asking each candidate in a particular race the same questions, giving them up to 120 words per answer, and publishing exactly what they submit. Government must not use the health-care system to infringe on the rights or privacy of people. The first way to reduce crime is to allow the growth of actual opportunities to succeed outside of criminal activity by reducing the governments taxation chokehold on the economy to pay for frivolous and unconstitutional laws and spending. I will support legislation that promotes private investment and competition in the energy sector of Colorado. This guide focuses on contested primary races, whose outcome will ultimately decide the contours - and decisions - of our executive and legislative bodies. Although some words are painful and frustrating, religious and personal freedom is only achieved when we allow all people to speak freely without intimidation and censorship. In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. Prop. Love who you love, beyond recognition the Government should not be involved in Marriage. These radicals want control above all else. Ive written policy for the education industry and developing countries, and I understand the consequences of enacting BAD policy. There is a legal pathway to all who lawfully into this nation. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. On February 8, the undergraduates of Asbury University lingered at the end of a routine chapel service - the compulsory worship that's part of life at Christian schools - and the service continued unscripted for the next two weeks. Abortion is the premeditated murder of a child. Archbishop Aquilas episcopal motto comes from the Blessed Virgin Marys instructions at Cana: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5)., "As Catholics, we have a moral duty to vote with an informed conscience, and to pray for wisdom and guidance as we head to the voting booth. our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County, Church Voter Guides primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results! But we can not foster a state or permanent dependency, and should favor assistance to whole families. I firmly believe in and will fight to protect the rights of the people to determine their own futures as long as those choices do not interfere with the rights of others. In the legislature I will fight to protect our children from the exploitation of radical sex and gender indoctrination. I am a good Christian family man and share the morals with Catholics. Legal immigrants only. Bryan Oller/KRCC News. Most Reverend Stephen Berg is a native of Miles City, Montana. But I also believe, the Earth is a gift to us from God and should be treated with respect. Correction: Due to an editor's error, one of the key dates was wrong. Absolutely. Definitely, and nearly every venue by which we can decarbonize and get to a regenerative energy economy, we should take. Pathways to citizenship should always be encouraged, however the state should not motivate immigration. I would support families in using their 529 savings to educate their children and their choice of which schools to attend. A thousand times over, yes. God created marriage between a man and woman. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He has bestowed on our State. He then spent one year as a Jesuit lay missionary volunteer at Red Cloud Indian School on the Native American Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I am all about hand ups, not handouts. The COlorado legislature should never attempt to restrict that which the U.S. constitution grants. We must not empower the professional or generational or lifetime welfare recipient. I will fight to protect our religious liberties and ensure we are able to live our faith. Green energy should still be in the research/innovation stage, not deployment stage. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. DONATE ONLINE NOW . Voter Guides, County Voters Guide. Restrictions on Free speech even if we disagree is wrong. Led by Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) focuses on constitutional and human rights law worldwide. Become a citizen should be top priority and a plan to assimilate and thrive should be in place when coming to America, it is not the role of government to guarantee outcomes. He speaks Spanish, English and Italian, and reads French, and is the author of various theological publications. Why does government arrogate unto itself the power to take whatever it deems necessary from the people who create wealth to give it to others who do little to make others better off? I believe in smaller government and lower taxes, which means as a law maker, I would be less likely to redistribute peoples earnings to support anti-Catholic causes. John 18:21 And if that ruffles non-Believers, I dont give a sh*t. :), I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. We hope voters will use this guide to educate themselves on initiatives appearing on the ballot, as well as the powers that various elected officials have to protect and extend civil rights and civil liberties. He is also currently the pastor at St. Joseph parish in Denver. Jesus said this, and never mentioned abortions or homosexuality. California Secretary of State 916-657-2166 Email California Election Information. The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. I am for protecting our environment from the drilling site to the gas pumps, to our homes for lights, heat and air-conditioning and to the many businesses and manufactures in our State of Colorado with the lowest possible price. The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with God's word and moral absolutes. While I am very concerned that pornography is too easily accessed, I also believe that if we allow the government to create legal or technical restrictions on pornography access, we will have given that same government the ability to restrict access to any content labeled dangerous. Instead, we should seek market-based solutions that incentivize ISPs providing ways to restrict content on a customer-by-customer basis. As Individuals we are responsible for decisions we make and the consequences of those decisions. Allowing the private sector the opportunity to invest in our future energy solutions will advance technology and create wealth. In 2001, he became parochial vicar of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in North Richland Hills, Texas. However, the best welfare and support for the poor is the local community and churches. Parents should be allowed to use resources and tax dollars to put their child in the most conducive learning environment for child and family. Upon graduation, Bishop-designate Berg taught music at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth. October 18, 2022 This year, three amendments are being considered for ratification to the Colorado Constitution. I would cap welfRe benefits (to the able-bodied) to a five year maximum within a 15 year period. This is why I ask for your faith and support as we endeavor in our pursuit of the greatest Colorado yet Pray for Pueblo, Pray for Colorado and may God continue his many blessings of our great nation! He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Grand Island on June 3, 1994. The prevalence of digital media makes Colorado Revised Statute 18-7-502 difficult to enforce. Click on candidate names within the table to view additional comments. Stay informed on the election and other news. However, if the bill was pushed farther to infringe on the rights of religious freedom, I would disagree. Our state has forgotten this. Im confused. Please Pray and Vote. By diligently learning, applying, and trusting Gods truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our cultures non-biblical ideas. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. This trend continues and has resulted in various citizens needing to take their cases to the US Supreme Court. We're nonpartisan and therefore "501c3 compliant", so it's easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. They list who you can vote for and offer details on each candidate's experience . We need, God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. Family Research Council February 28, 2023 Andrew Bailey, Jennifer Bauwens, Lisa McClain, Jim Roguski Broadcast Archive . Citizens, especially prayerful Catholics, are required to participate in the political process with well-formed consciences.". He knew Jesus as his lord and savior. Our faith maintains a hierarchy of values when voting on candidates and issues. We are also producing Voter Guides for the Colorado Primary Elections, which will be held on June 28, 2022. It would be difficult to create legislation against every sin. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. Midterm voter guide: Colorado Propositions - The Rocky Mountain Collegian November's ballot includes eight propositions, where voters will either select yes/for or no/against. Policy should be focused on a hand-up not a hand-out. Gas, electric, emerging energy sources side by side at a repower hub. KRDO 2022 Voter Guide; . I too am now skeptical of both Democrats and Democrats pretending to be Republican/Conservative (as in our case here in Pueblo/SD3) WE ALL deserve to be represented, they can have their parties our faith will guide me to be the voice for the rest of us! Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. God, Bless you all for what you do to help. I will stand for our most vulnerable population, our children, through transparent educational curiculums without agendas. I am a proponent of small government and responsible, individual liberty. Bishop Golka looks forward to continued growth and expansion in the diocese. He is a member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in which he has served as a member of various committees. Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with an evangelical focus. CO2 produced by human activity is only about 1% of that produced naturally, and the US contribution merely about 15% of that 1%. Yes, the safety net should help people get back on their feet. Again, this should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE be considered a function of government! Pope Francis appointed Father Rodriguez as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver on August 25, 2016 and was ordained on November 4, 2016 on the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of bishops. In the end, my friends in faith are also blessed with the same free will that I have. Peters went even further than just offering up full-time crazy talk. 529 funds being available at all stages will help families to support their children at all educational stages. BASEBALL EATS THE SHOW AT 1TODAY But don't worry, that first hour will be MAGIC!! Criminals need to serve the sentences that they are given. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. No, all individuals should have their well-founded beliefs protected. Welfare should provide a net to catch someone and help them stand up, but should not be a life long income system that promotes stagnation. Christian Voters Coalition exists to serve Jesus Christ by providing knowledge, guidance, and power to Christians through a nationwide coalition standing for God, working to end the continuing murder of millions of babies, producing Christian Voter Guides, conducting voter registrations, endorsing and electing candidates who pledge to uphold Judeo/ Christian values, promoting Judeo/ Christian . I ask for your vote and support. Consequences for criminal behavior, with treatment programs for those in need will be a priority. Viva Christo Rey. That is lacking in Denver right now. Things are getting too crazy NOT to step up. Less than 40% of the money gathered by taxes for education actually reach the children. Hierarchy of Values to Guide Voting as a Catholic: 1. Shouldnt marriage be done at the local level and in churches if they are religious? It is the duty of each persons conscience to adhere to objective truth, which is reflected in the below values to guide your vote. In 1987, he began graduate studies at San Anselmo University in Rome, earning a Licentiate in Sacramental Theology in 1990. Medical care could be more effectively obtained if self-pay was allowed at Medicare rates which are typically 20-25% of billed amounts. Voter guides provide background information on the candidates and ballot measures. colorado-reproductive-health-, No. Patient centered care is absolutely crucial. Marriage and Family: Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who together as husband and wife may become father and mother to any children they produce. I am a liberty-minded Christian who believes there is far too much government intrusion into our lives and especially in regard to our faith lives. I believe in Individual freedom. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 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