According to Erik Erikson, what is the last stage of development in life? The success rate for the drug Viagra is between _________. A) The average age at which women experience menopause is 42. Carol Gilligan contends that Kohlberg's theory is biased against a) younger people. The average age at which women have their last period is 51. c) applied intelligence. Many women have hot flashes, which can last for many years after menopause. a) G. Stanley Hall b) Jean Piaget c) Lawrence Kohlberg d) Sigmund Freud e) Erik Erikson, About how many inches do adolescents typically gain in height during the growth spurt? c) industry. e) Neither boys nor girls benefit from early maturation. d. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, Which one of the following statements about androgen supplementation is false? FYI: Toot Auto Supply distributes new and used automobile parts to local dealers throughout the Midwest. B.The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear C.The lining of the uterus is called the mesometrium. a) four; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational b) four; identity, intimacy, generativity, and integrity c) three; preconventional, conventional, and postconventional d) three; selective optimization, optimism, and self-challenge e) two; care orientation and justice orientation, After winning a lottery, Dylan and Meredith decided to give one-tenth of their winnings to a charity they both admire. The accountant for Evas Laundry prepared the following unadjusted and adjusted trial balances. Which neurotransmitter system is most important for basal ganglia function? b. . d) initiative crisis. Their conversion price is $20\$20$20. \text{Actual factory overhead costs for June} & \$38,000 & \$52,000\\ b) Most people in their seventies report a deep dissatisfaction with their lives. c. getting pregnant 8. a. sperm production begins before puberty and decreases with age Pharmacological management for a menopausal woman with a uterus, no risk factors, and complaints of vasomotor flushes, irritability, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and headaches would include one of the following options: d. 17 B-estradiol 0.045mg + levonorgestrel 0.0.15mg patch apply to skin 1x/wk. The rate of suicide is especially high among older a) White males. These are all normal changes, but to make sure there isnt a problem, see your doctor if: Hot flashes. a. young-old. C) 60s. ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. e) The optimists tended to live more than 7.5 years longer. d. a new patch should be applied at the beginning of each of the first 3 weeks, Because anabolic steroids that are used for infertility and hypogonadism have the potential for abuse, they are schedule d. With menopause, the ovaries no longer produce ripened egg cells. Acceptance, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. D) 70s. d) ego integrity versus despair. A self of self-efficacy. He doesn't yet see any aspect of his future as a certainty. If 22-year-old Sophie adopts the most common lifestyle for people in her age group in the United States, we would predict that Sophie is a) married without children. . In the MacArthur Study of Midlife Development (published in 1999), which percentage of middle-aged adult Americans considered religion or spirituality a major part of their lives? He decides to tell the teacher because he thinks that getting on the teacher's good side might mean a better grade for him. e) Single people are seen as less mature than married people. Which of the following best captures Erikson's concept of stagnation? In your maternity class and on the NCLEX exam you will need to know about the woman's menstrual cycle. Bargaining a) fifty b) sixty c) seventy d) eighty e) ninety. c) Older adults with sexual interest are rare and abnormal. This is an example of _____ attention. he public about how much alcohol is in their products. b. c. Loss of estrogen results in diminished sex drive. e) understanding the necessity of obeying rules for the orderly functioning of society. d. chest pain, Which of the following can lead to ED? a) Peer pressure b) Regular church attendance c) Being able to communicate openly with one's parents d) Having at least one parent who graduated from college e) Living in an intact family, Which of the following statements is true about adolescent sexuality? b) Men experience a gradual decline in testosterone production in middle adulthood, and they can maintain fertility well into later adulthood. a) "Good boy--good girl" and authority orientations b) Law-and-order and social contract orientations c) Ethical principle and instrumental purpose orientations d) Obedience and punishment and instrumental purpose orientations e) Social contract and universal ethical principle orientations, Dr. Kevorkian believes that terminally ill people have the right to control the time and circumstances of their death. Larissa is tired and irritable from lack of sleep and fed up with the hot flashes. Research suggests that people who fail to learn a basic sense of ________ in early life may have a greater fear of ________ in adulthood. c) Indians placed more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities, whereas Americans placed more emphasis on justice. \quad \text{year beginning June 1} & \$475,000 & \$600,000\\ Your periods resume after no bleeding for more than a year. No one knows the long-term effects of vaping. c) maintaining a healthy body weight. c. old-old. a. yaz Absence of disease Which hormones fuel a women's sex drive? c) dysthymic depression. e) improving sexual functioning in males. Which of the following is true about menopause? b. vardenafil She is MOST likely to have difficulty understanding you when you: c. ED Which of the following is true about menopause? b) twenties. d. all of the above, Which of the following statements are true concerning sperm production? Which of the following statements about menopause is true? The principle medications used as treatments for the female reproductive system are: Which of the following is the primary oral estrogen products in use? \text { Reliable Auto Repair } & \text { July 15 } & 9,750 \\ Current smoker e) men and women both rely more on a justice orientation than on a care orientation. They can happen several times an hour, a few times a day, or just once or twice a week. b. vardenafil e) Why does the druggist refuse to allow Heinz to pay for the drug at a later date? Murray has a condition that has caused him to experience a major deterioration of his mental abilities. The tendency for people to marry others who are similar to themselves is called a) hegogamy. Hormone therapy is most often used to treat common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. d. With menopause, the ovaries no longer produce ripened egg cells. . Your body seems different. Fifteen-year-old Erica is predicted to experience which psychosocial crisis next? Which BEST explains why it is important to understand the alcohol content of the different types of alcohol? e) emotional intelligence. According to Erikson, middle adulthood is to ________ as early adulthood is to ________. a) Isn't everyone in society entitled to free medical care? a) been rising steadily; remain steady b) remained steady; remain steady c) been rising steadily; decline steadily d) been declining steadily; continue declining e) been rising steadily; continue rising, What is the most recent estimate for life expectancy in the United States? B) K. Warner Schaie a. brain weight decreases; brain volume does not decrease. In a cross-cultural study of moral reasoning in Americans and Indians reported in the text, which of the following was found? Bladder control. a) Single people are regarded as less selfish than married people. Sleep history c) People would lose respect for Heinz if he didn't at least try to save his wife by stealing the drug. e) monogamy, Approximately how many interracial married couples are there in the United States today? Which of the following health concerns are considered fatal chronic conditions? a) Emotional intelligence b) Accumulated knowledge c) Abstract reasoning d) Mental flexibility e) Creativity, Typically, people achieve their highest scores on IQ tests at which point in their lives? a) Both types of intelligence generally increase throughout the adult lifespan. c. all sperm are present at birth b) asking people to respond to moral dilemmas. A At menopause in females, there is an especially abrupt increase in gonadotropic hormones. 3) Some hormones cannot be produced when body fat falls below acertain threshold. Dr. Lisa Mosconi's TED Talk focused on how menopause affects the brain. Return for follow-up with the clinician within one year after the initial dose a) Midlife transition b) Intellectual decline c) Midlife crisis d) Midlife mourning e) Empty nest syndrome. B. Fluid intelligence b) ego identity. Graph x versus t and indicate how the average velocity is found on the graph. The changing nature of middle age can be accounted for by the fact that. Learn more on the My Menoplan website. Which aspect of formal operational thinking is Sam demonstrating? d) The teenage birthrate in the United States is about the same as that of other Western, industrialized countries. d. It involves a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home. It is expected that c) Dick will live to age 88. d) Liz will live to age 94. e) Dick will die before reaching age 75. a) Do everything possible to help Pablo avoid the acceptance stage, because this stage represents giving up hope. a) 1 in 2; 2 in 3 b) 2 in 3; 1 in 4 c) 3 in 4; 2 in 5 d) 4 in 5; 3 in 4 e) 5 in 6; 1 in 2, In the United States today, the average age of first marriage is ________ for males and ________ for females. True or False: Self-esteem tends to decline significantly in the 70s and 80s. D. 90%. B) 70% He is a rather sad because he regrets the wasted opportunities in life and feels he has made a lot of mistakes. What are the three main groups of women in middle adulthood? The stressful time of soul searching and self-examination that many adolescents experience is the a) identity crisis. Which of the following statements is true? Because he has worked from his home for the past twenty years, Victor has spent a great deal of time with his daughter Michelle. Which one of the following statements about menopause is FALSE? D). c) After early adulthood, fluid intelligence generally decreases, while crystallized intelligence stays about the same or increases. Which of the following is true about menopause? B) spirituality For that reason, a woman who does not want to get pregnant should continue to use birth control for at least a full 12 months after her last period. c) About one-third of teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. 'Perimenopause' refers to the period from when these signs are first observed and ends one year after the final menstrual period. 67 Most hot flashes last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. d. neither brain weight nor brain volume decrease. b. b. sperm production begins at puberty and ends approximately 70 years of age A variety of non-hormonal and hormonal interventions can help alleviate perimenopausal symptoms. e) Researchers have found no connection between regular exercise and the preservation of mental sharpness. d. History of headaches, WH Menopause/middle aged women's questions, Module 16, 17, & 18 - Office Emergencies, Men, Module 14 & 15 - Ear and Eye Disorders + Heme, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. d) interviews with people who work with the terminally illhospice workers, nurses, doctors, and chaplains. She is irritable all of the time and is not functioning well at home or work. a) Social contract orientation b) Care and justice orientation c) Universal ethical principle orientation d) "Good boy--good girl" orientation e) Authority or law-and-order orientation, Harold says that hitting his sister is wrong because he will be punished if he does. A. The term identity crisis was coined by a) Elkind. D) responsibility, Week 9 Physical and cognitive development in, Piaget's Fourth stage formal operational stage, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Accumulated Depreciation - Laundry Equipment. Menopause is a point in time 12 months after a woman's last period. c. call her on the phone. a) Inferiority b) Intimacy c) Industry d) Initiative e) Gerativity, 21 year old Amber is transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. a) Emerging adulthood exists only in those cultures where there is an abrupt transition from adolescence to adulthood. e) Men experience a sharp increase in testosterone production in middle adulthood that allows them to maintain fertility well into later adulthood. c) ethnic minorities. Regular exercise in late adulthood is associated with all of the following benefits EXCEPT a) increasing life expectancy. d. HRT increases the risk of developing breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, and blood clots, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are used in the treatment of: Parkinson's = dopamine deficient More than 80 percent of all deaths occur in institutions or hospitals. b. progesterone c) Latino males. \text{Actual direct labor hours for June} && 1,350\\ C During normal menstruation about 40 ml blood is lost. c) isolation. During midlife, ________________ slowly accumulates on the artery walls, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 2. Participating in Activities You Enjoy As You Age, Links found between viruses and neurodegenerative diseases. a. B. hot flashes and night sweats occur in about 60 % to 90% of women. c) there is a trend for adult children to set up house close to where their parents live. b) homogamy. c) late twenties. Round to the place value indicated. During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels increase. b) is a "swinging single" who frequently indulges in "one-night stands." They may be related to changing estrogen levels. d) Erikson. a) Physical b) Social c) Intellectual d) Moral e) Emotional. Other women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also . During this time, it is important to continue to eat a healthy diet, be active, and make sure you get enough calcium for optimal bone health. The years leading up to that point, when women may have changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, or other symptoms, are called the menopausal transition or perimenopause. Why or why not? (A) Germ cells are involved (B) There is a fusion of gametes (C) This process takes a longer time (D) All of these The Correct Answer is (D) All of these. Which of the following is NOT a physical change in middle adulthood: What are the two main causes of death in middle adulthood? Compounded bioidentical hormones are non-FDA approved prescription hormones prepared by a compounding pharmacy. The bonds of Goniff Bank & Trust have a conversion premium of $90\$90$90. Find that their symptoms begin to resolve within 2-6 weeks, Prevention is a key factor in osteoporosis management and should include counseling on all but the following options: morphine. b) single. a. contraception b. Middle adulthood is a time to discover new interests and activities to fill newly available time after retirement. There are significant increases in spirituality and religion during middle age. d) Understand the stages, and help Pablo attain a state of final acceptance. Correct option is C) Follicular atresia means degeneration of follicles. d) Only about one-tenth of current U.S. couples who are married lived together before marriage. 5% over the 5-year period C. About 20% over 5 to 7 years D. 1% to 2% a year. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood? Which of the following statements regarding menopause is TRUE? e) anger. As levels of estrogen decrease, you could have various symptoms. d. pick a quiet place to have a conversation. 30 % a. 44 This would be an example of _______grief. A.Fimbriae are fingerlike projections over the ovaries. b. c) Havighurst. e) Both types of intelligence decrease, but only in late adulthood. After menopause, estrogen levels rise. e) ageism. A) John Horn He would be considered among the: a. HRT is very safe and effective He is grappling with the loss of his youth and feels "trapped," perceiving a lack of future options. Hassam appears to have attained a sense of a) role diffusion. Menopause can also be triggered by a hysterectomy or surgical removal of the ovaries, which produce hormones. b) Brain tissue loss is especially prominent in the temporal lobes. 1. a) Randy, who is cohabiting with a girlfriend b) Sue, who is married c) Glenn, who is divorced d) Richard, who is widowed e) Brenda, who has never married and is living alone. e) generativity versus stagnation. d) it emphasizes moral standards that appeal to males rather than to females. a) Unconventional b) Postconventional c) Conventional d) Preconventional e) Concrete operational, Kohlberg's postconventional level of moral development consists of which stages? B) ova develop from stem cells called oogonia. e) difficulty accepting the reality of their loss, . a. Explore more: Sexual reproduction The body begins to use energy differently, fat cells change, and women may gain weight more easily. c) The brain shrinks in volume and weight. It is important to know what days each phase occurs, the role of the hormones (such as FSH, LH, estrogen, and progestrone), and what happens during each phase of the reproductive cycle The time in a woman's life when menstruation and reproductive capability end is called a) menarche. B) Adult siblings who are close tended to be close in childhood. c. 22.3 Some women don't have any trouble with menopausal symptoms and may even feel relieved when they no longer need to worry about painful periods or getting pregnant. b) research has found that people from different cultures vary in how they proceed through the stages. Eddie's motive in turning in the cheaters would be categorized under which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning? b) Liz will live longer than Dick. a) Vocabulary size b) Perceiving relationships among patterns c) Inductive reasoning d) Forming and recognizing concepts e) Spatial orientation, Crystallized intelligence is best captured in which concept? C) Inductive reasoning Why do psychologists believe leisure takes on increased importance in middle adulthood? It then continues in the same direction for another 40 km at 60 km/h. Solve any question of Human Reproduction with:-. Marietta reflects which stage of death and dying? During perimenopause, the body's production of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones made by the ovaries, varies greatly. Although a therapeutic dose has been calculated as Both are triggered by a deficiency of the important brain messenger chemical acetylcholine. False, Which one of the following is not an absolute contraindication to initiating hormone therapy? c) anger at being abandoned by the deceased. Learn about options to help you manage hot flashes, sleep problems, and sex problems during the menopausal transition. Some may decide to talk with their doctor about lifestyle changes or medications to treat their symptoms. You may experience changes in your bone or heart health, your body shape and composition, or your physical function. \text{Estimated factory overhead cost for fiscal}\\ a. testosterone is responsible for sperm maturation a) From age 40 through 60 or 65 b) From age 30 through 50 or 55 c) From age 50 through 65 or 70 d) From age 35 through retirement e) Beginning with the age when one can no longer recognize the names of new musical groups and ending with retirement. a) Scientists suspect that one gene is involved in all the different forms of the disease. Many women experience mild symptoms that can be treated by lifestyle changes such as avoiding caffeine or carrying a portable fan. Name two macroeconomic variables that decline when the economy goes into a recession. A physical pendulum in the form of a planar object moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.450 Hz. D. all of these, In the MacArthur Study of Midlife Development, what percentage of U.S. middle-age adults considered religion or spirituality a major part of their lives? Thus, if all follicles get degenerated at the age of 45-50 years, there will be no ovulation and hence no menstruation which leads to menopause. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the death scenario in the U.S. today? B The beginning of the cycle of menstruation is called menarche. decreases slightly. Lawrence Kohlberg was interested in which aspect of development? D) 98%. c. There are no androgen therapies approved by the US food and Drug Administration used for women Twenty-five-year-old Allison is predicted to be in which stage of psychological development? d. d) Most people say they have reached adulthood by their mid-twenties. Marietta, who is terminally ill, promises to go to church every Sunday if God will let her live to see the birth of her first grandchild. a) Enlarged penis b) Enlarged testes c) Enlarged uterus d) Breast development e) Menarche, Of the following characteristics that Fiona experiences during puberty, which is a primary sex characteristic? b) inferiority complex. e) early forties. a. c-II 2 See answers Advertisement stunnaaaaaa The greatest decline in cognitive abilities occurs in which of the following areas? d) Women's household income tends to increase, whereas men's household income tends to decrease. D. Expertise, In middle age, individuals need __________ time to learn new information, and long-term memory becomes __________ reliable. c) intimacy versus isolation. a) Verbal comprehension b) Numerical ability c) Vocabulary size d) Ability to apply knowledge e) Mental flexibility. C) The majority of women experience serious psychological problems related to menopause. will produce an important pain reliever. a) delayed; better health b) delayed; dieting trends c) earlier; better health d) earlier; dieting trends e) earlier; overweight tendencies, Compared to late-maturing female adolescent, early-maturing female adolescents are more likely to a) have high self esteem b) have a positive body image c) be happy d) experience unwanted sexual attention e) have an advantage in athletics. B. B is incorrect - Some women do report that their interest in sex declines during menopause, but many find that sexual pleasure increases with age. a) Anger b) Depression c) Denial d) Bargaining e) Acceptance. B. Depression C. freedom Mood changes. b. recommendations are that the smallest dose be given for the shortest period of time d) feelings of being detached from their surroundings. a) Imaginary audience b) Personal fable c) Abstract thinking d) Formal operations e) Centration, Who identified adolescent egocentrism and gave it this name? \end{array} Postmenopausal women are more vulnerable to heart disease and osteoporosis. b) preserving the social order and ensuring harmonious relationships among people. A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of _____. b) Changes in sexual responsiveness that come with aging prevent sexual relationships from being satisfying. d) Due to increases in the production of estrogen, women in late adulthood may experience increased vaginal lubrication. Change in your period. A. declining work prospects in the service industries c. Today, death occurs most often among adolescents. Which of the following statements is true about cohabiting couples? _____ theory states that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing. a) Less than 1 percent b) About 5 percent c) About 15 percent d) About 35 percent e) More than 55 percent. c) doing weight-bearing exercise. Larissa is 52. a. hypogonadism a) The appearance of facial hair b) The deepening of his voice c) The appearance of pubic hair d) Enlarged testes e) His first ejaculation, Which is the first sign of puberty in a female? C). b. severe hypotension d) depression. C) Religion is a cause of good physical health. If Aretha is like the typical older adult, the emotional problem she is most likely to face is a) empty nest syndrome. c. Life skills According to Erik Erikson, he himself underwent an identity crisis when he a) found out that his father was really his stepfather. Language comprehension b) bereavement. All of the following statements are true about benign prostatic hypertrophy except: To purchase Plan B without a prescription, a person must be at least _____ years of age. Perhaps he should go back and offer to pay the druggist back with free labor." The changing nature of middle age can be accounted for by the fact that __________. B. less; less Follow up with a doctor. The first step in treating incontinence is to see a doctor. b) Children from divorced families tend to do just as well in school as children from intact families. He is beginning to feel a sense of loss and hopelessness. At menopause, a woman's blood pressure; increases sharply. b) Both men and women experience a drop in household income, with women experiencing a larger drop. a) Significant weight gain is a normal, inevitable consequence of aging. B) Belonging to a religious group can help some individuals cope more effectively. a) Normal adolescent development includes serious conflict with parents. Thus, if all follicles get degenerated at the age of 45-50 years, there will be no ovulation and hence no menstruation which leads to menopause. D. Hot flashes during menopause result from low levels of estrogen. These risks depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose . The ovarian cycle governs the preparation of endocrine tissues and release of eggs, while the menstrual cycle governs the preparation and maintenance of the uterine lining. and more. c) anxiety. c) take antidepressant medication. For other women, the menopausal transition can bring hot flashes, trouble sleeping, pain during sex, moodiness and irritability, depression, or a combination of these symptoms. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in midlife? Night sweats might wake you up. The effect of a very lo e. D. more; more, Which of the following is NOT a challenge for the middle-aged worker in the 21st century? What is the first sign of puberty that Jorge will experience? a) Abstract operations b) Formal operations c) Concrete operations d) Preoperational e) Sensorimotor, Seventeen-year-old Sam is able to draw conclusions about specific cases based on a set of general premises. Alzheimer's = acetylcholine deficient. The answer is D. Women often report having more energy after menopause. a) Between ages 16 and 18 b) Between the late teens and the early or mid-20s c) Between 21 and 30 d) Between 21 and the early 30s e) Between the mid-20s and the late 20s, The developmental period termed emerging adulthood is all of the following EXCEPT a) an age of exploring identity, romantic relationships, and career alternatives b) an age of stability c) a self-focused age d) an age of feeling in-between e) an age of possibilities, not certainties, 19 year old college student Tyrone has a great deal of optimism about the future. b. contraceptive gels D The menstrual fluid can easily clot. a) ego identity vs. despair; intimacy vs. isolation b) intimacy vs. isolation; generativity vs. stagnation c) generativity vs. stagnation; intimacy vs. isolation d) ego integrity vs. despair; identity vs. role diffusion e) generativity vs. stagnation; identity vs. role diffusion. This can cause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, pain during sex, and vaginal dryness. . A. less; more Some women dont require any treatment at all, but for others, symptoms can be more severe. Hormone therapy eases some of the negative effects of menopause. c. testosterones increases muscle development When she is having a crisis and her parents try to talk to her, Sharleen says, "You can't possibly understand what I'm going through!" Avoiding tobacco and moderating alcohol intake An official website of the National Institutes of Health, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology, Training Opportunities for Special Populations, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Funding Announcements, Alzheimers & Related Dementias Press Kit, National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA), Advances in Aging and Alzheimer's Research, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). d) Only about one-half of people in all human societies marry at least once. Diet, low-stress lifestyle, caring community, activity, and spirituality.

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