9th infantry division vietnam roster

Their mission was to secure this extremely challenging battleground against the Viet Cong Communist insurgents. Get the recipe! Its area of operations was in the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta from 1967 to 1972. Further- more, it has three brigade headquarters, the 9th Aviation Battalion. The awards are in recognition of the divisions exceptional valor and extraordinary performance in combat from 1 January to 31 May 1969, and significant accomplishments in civic action since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966 to 30 June 1969. Action in the 3d Brigades area of operation came with fewer, but more sizeable contacts as the Go Devils killed 641 of the enemy. 1965-1970: The 1st Infantry Division was one of the first two divisions sent to defend the Republic of Vietnam in 1965. Please sign the MRFA guestbook! In addition to building and repairing schools the division has helped by operating a school for Vietnamese children in Dong Tam. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. The division's first and third brigade were to field one of each of the three new battalions, while the second brigade would field three combined arms battalions heavy. 4th Battalion, (Mech) 23rd Infantry This site is dedicated to the members of Alpha . With the switch from Combat Arms Regimental System to the United States Army Regimental System the division saw a few of its units reflagged or inactivated: During fiscal year 1987 the army decided to inactivate the division's 2nd brigade, which would be replaced by the 81st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) of the Washington Army National Guard. In this sweep, the 3d and 4th Battalions, 47th Infantry, joined by elements of the 7th ARVN Division and several Naval river assault teams, killed 11 enemy. More than 12,000 enemy were killed while 550 were taken prisoner and 248 rallied under the Chieu Hoi program. Using material and advice from the Americans, the Vietnamese demonstrate their energy and ingenuity in project after project throughout the Delta. The divisional headquarters remained active until 15 December 1991. During May, the Division continued to seek out and destroy the enemy in small groups. Improving the educational level of the people is another important project of the civil affairs section. The Recondos came into heavy contact again Nov. 30 when they reacted to intelligence provided by a Long Range Patrol and elements of the 2d Battalion, 39th Infantry and supporting gun ships from D Troop, 3d/5th killed 86 Viet Cong between Cai Lay and Cat Be. More than 500 VC were repelled by members of the 5th/60th reinforced by artillery batteries. We were positioned about 30 miles south of the DMZ (demilitarized zone) in the province of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. The division headquarters was organized on 28 July 1926 as a Regular Army Inactive unit with Organized Reserve personnel at the Army Base, Boston, Massachusetts, and by mid-1927, most of the inactive units of the division were also organized as such. Vietnam War: 1st Marine Division: U.S. Marine Corps: 16 September 67-31 October 68: Vietnam War: Seal Team One: U.S. Navy: 11 November 1968: Vietnam: 1st Marine Regiment: . 3rd Battalion 34th Artillery (105mm Howitzer, Towed Riverine) soldiers, in spite of hardship, carried out their activities in the remote hamlets in helping the Vietnamese People through their medical support, education and psywar assistance, repair and construction of pub11c facilities for the war victims. A new concept recently developed within the division is the DENTCAP . "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Item 1 : A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. This brigade lived on the ships of Navy Task Force 117, and were transported on their infantry missions throughout the Mekong Delta on Tango boats (converted landing craft) supported by various other armored boats. People from the areas surrounding Dong Tam flock there at the rate of 1,000 a day to receive medical attention at the daily MEDCAP staged at the main gate by the Division Support Command. The enemy did not get their offensive off the ground in the Delta as the Division units killed almost 2,000, topping last years Tet total. The MRF was often anchored near the South Vietnamese city of M Tho, or near the Division's ng Tm Base Camp and they conducted operations in coordination with the Navy SEAL teams, the South Vietnamese Marines, units of the ARVN 7th Division and River Assault Groups. While keeping constant pressure on the enemy, OLD RELIABLES have been very active in civil affairs making friends and helping the people. My unit was "D" Company, 75th Support Bn., 1st Brigade, 5th Mech. Often a movie projector is taken on the NIGHTCAP and movies are shown to the people after dark. 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam Major, Infantry (USA Ret.) 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Homer S. Reese Assistant Chief of Staff G-5 31.05.1944 Lt. Col. Ellis O. Keller Adjutant General 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Morris Braveman Other information Call sign Ivanhoe Divisional troops Top Infantry Field Artillery (FA) Other troops Attachments Top Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Armor Cavalry Chemical Engineers Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec 1966 Richard White's " 9th Inf. The 9th Division was reactivated for the Vietnam conflict on 1 February 1966. Following a brief stay in England, the 94th began to land on Utah Beach on 6 September 1944, and moved into Brittany to assume responsibility for containing some . 9th Signal Battalion and the typical support command unit with Headquarter Company and Band, 9th Administration Company, 9th Medical Battalion, 9th. A single reconnaissance platoon of the 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry killed 32 of the enemy in two days of fighting around the village of Thu Thua, west of Tan An. Previous Station: Fort Riley A search of the Ap Bac battlefield, near Dong Tam, accounted for 195 enemy bodies. Strength: 814, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry (Riverine) To the Vietnamese, it may be badly needed medical attention, material to build and improve their facilities, a new market place or a road leading to it. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. Tour of Duty - 1967. The division staff, which included men from all four states, conducted joint summer training at Camp McClellan between 1924 and 1926 and 1929 and 1931, Camp Beauregard in 1927, Camp Foster in 1928, and Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, in addition to participation in multiple . Departed: 12 Oct 1970 Authorized Strength: 818, 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry) The fight began when helicopter gun ships of Troop D, 3d/5th Cav made contact with the enemy. The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. Later, U.S. and ARVN commanders credited the Division with achieving one of the biggest victories of the war. He served with Recon Platoon, 2nd/60th, 9th Infantry Division in 1968-69. Item 3: On 21 April the Division relieved the 3d Armored Division along the Mulde River, near Dessau, and held that line until VE-day. The 3d Brigade was involved in the heaviest fighting in October. Following a brief rest in July, the division took part in the St. During the Vietnam War, 1/9 sustained the highest casualty rate in Marine Corps history. Fire Support Bases Occupied by A Battery From 8/24/68 to 8/24/69 A Battery Soldiers Wounded at FSB Crook in May 1969 Authorized Strength: 907, 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry (Infantry) Arrived Vietnam: 3 Jan 1967 Many battalions within the division have instituted what is known as the civilian hospital sponsorship program to supplement their MEDCAP work. The OLD RELIABLES were involved in 22 major combat engagements with North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong main force units as well as thousands of small contacts during this period. Your patience is appreciated. Last date/time page edited 11/07/19 16:10. The engagements resulted in: -12,458 North Regular Army soldiers and VC killed, Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. [30], Initially the vision was to create three motorized brigades with three new types of infantry battalion:[31][32], The light attack battalions utilized the Fast Attack Vehicles (FAV - later re-designated the Desert Patrol Vehicle). The camp was located on the main highway, QL-15) 16km southwest of Bin Ha. The action marked the first contact with the 261st VC Battalion. It suppressed enemy infiltration along the Highway 13 corridor to Cambodia and . Totals for the 27-day Operation CORONOADO V in September were 330 enemy killed and one crew served and 11 individual weapons with 11,200 rounds of small arms ammo seized from enemy supply caches. The 3rd Brigade remained in Vietnam, under the control of the 25th Infantry Division, until October 1970 when it came home and the division was inactivated. Concentrating on extremely successful Night Hunter operations, the 1st Recondo Brigade accounted for 1639 enemy dead. The 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry (The Polar Bears) was activated 1 Nov 1967 at Ft. Lewis and joined the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam as its last maneuver element. All of these weapons systems were attached to the FAV by a mount designed to break away if the vehicle rolled over, which they were prone to do. Turning east, the 9th crossed the Marne, 28 August, swept through Saarlautern,[5] and in November and December held defensive positions from Monschau to Losheim. In the above-said operations, the 9th US Infantry Division, with a decisive intention to engage the enemy and win every battle, has applied new tactics obliging the communists to engage in battle throughout the Operation Area even their safety special area. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! In July of 1965, the 101st was ordered into combat. The division was commanded by Colonel Charles C. Clark (July 1918 - September 1918), Maj. Gen. Willard A. Holbrook (September 1918 - October 1918), Brig. Infantrymen were air inserted and pressed from two sides while artillery pounded at each end of the enemy position and gun ships sought out individuals and small groups of enemy soldiers. The division struggled to meet this standard. They conduct educational programs, distribute supplies to the needy, lend medical attention through Medical Civic Action Projects (MEDCAPS), rebuild and renovate buildings and facilities and conduct extensive psychological operations (PSYOPS) to win the hearts and minds of the people. Click most pictures to enlarge. Later in the month the Go Devil Brigade killed 59 VC when they fought an estimated battalion for two days 10 miles west of Cai Lay, Oct. 18. Arrived Vietnam: 19 Dec 1966 Explore artwork by members, and read historical articles and books. The Division landed at Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, Nov. 1, 1943. For five years the Big Red One fought main force Viet Cong (VC) and regular North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces in the jungles northwest of Saigon. All of the division's flags and heraldic items were moved to the National Infantry Museum at Fort Benning, Georgia following its inactivation. Its units included Division Headquarters; the 17th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 45th Infantry Regiment; 67th Infantry Regiment; 26th Machine Gun Battalion); the 18th Infantry Brigade (Headquarters and Headquarters Company; 46th Infantry Regiment; 68th Infantry Regiment; 27th Machine Gun Battalion), the 9th Field Artillery Brigade ( 25th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 26th Field Artillery (75mm Gun); 27th Field Artillery (155mm Howitzer); Ninth Trench Mortar Battery); 25th Machine Gun Battalion; 209th Engineer Regiment; 209th Field Signal Battalion; Division Trains (HQ Train and Military Police Company; 9th Sanitary Train; 9th Motor Supply Train, and Ninth Ammunition Train). Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. In later years, it would become an important unit of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Vietnam War. Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! THE CHIEF OF JOINT GENERAL STAFF OF THE REPUBLIC OF VN ALLIED FORCES CITES AT ARMED FORCES LEVEL : Republic of Viet-Nam Department or Defense Joint General Staff/RVNAF Adjutant General. The 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry was transferred to the 3rd Brigade as its third battalion and the 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery was attached as the direct support artillery battalion as well as Troop C, 3/4th Cavalry as the brigade's reconnaissance element. Includes photos, guestbook, message board and reunion dates. 30 Sep 96. Moving north to Bergrath, Germany, it launched an attack toward the Roer, 10 December, taking Echtz and Schlich. A few weeks later, another lopsided engagement near Rach Kien in Long A Province produced 207 VC killed. [47], The division was the first to undergo full inactivation following the end of the Cold War. Posted on 26 Feb in greenshield pharmacy intervention codes. APO.4002; Combat activity slackened the first month of 1968. -Unit Citation Streamer in Gallantry Cross Color with Palm for the 9th US Infantry Division Guidon and its Units mentioned in the list enclosed herewith, Please sign the MRFA guestbook! Previous Station: Fort Riley "335th Radio Research Unit"), 12 January 1967 5 April 1971, 99th Support Battalion, 1 October 1969 12 October 1970, 493 Military Intelligence Detachment, 3/9th Inf Div, 19 December 1966 - 20 August 1970, 9th Aviation Battalion (activated 21 April 1972), 268th Attack Helicopter Battalion (activated 1 September 1981), Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion (activated 1 July 1981), 1st Battalion, 67th Air Defense Artillery (activated 13 September 1972 - 1 April 1979), 1st Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery (activated 1 April 1979), 9th Signal Battalion (activated 21 June 1972), 109th Military Intelligence Battalion (activated 1 October 1981), Company A (former 335th Army Security Agency Company (activated 21 December 1977 - reorganized 1 October 1981), Company B (former 9th Military Intelligence Company (activated 21 December 1972 - reorganized 1 October 1981), 9th Chemical Company (activated 1 September 1981), 15 September 1986: Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion inactivated. Throughout the 22 major engagements with North Vietnamese Army and Viet-Cong main force, as well as other thousand of small contacts, the 9th us Infantry Division and its attached units caused heavy casualties to the enemy with intense fire supports of artillery , armed helicopters and tactical air support. No : 198 -D /TTM/CL The first five months of 1969 saw the OLD RELIABLES involved in some of the heaviest fighting of the war as they slammed the offensive-minded enemy time and again killing more then 10,000 NVA and Viet Cong. James Naulty, Company A 5/60 9th Infantry April 1967 to Sept.67 Earl Massey, 2nd Lt. Company A 5/60 9th Infantry 1967 - 1968. This restored the security of the country-side and provided an environment in which a multitude of pacification activities of the Republic ft Vietnam Government were effectively developed and brought fine results. -In the educational domain, the 9th US Inf Div has reconstructed and equipped 356 schools in Tien-Giang DTA, 1 school in the vicinity of Dong-Tam Base, opened many English courses in 4 high schools in My-Tho City for almost 30,000 students. Weeks later, another lopsided engagement near Rach Kien in Long a province produced 207 VC killed Bergrath,,! And present `` River Currents '' newsletters from your friends at MRFA was & quot ; When Joined... The MRFA is launching our historical Data project ( HDP ), featuring as much MRF TF-117 Data possible. Other categories the enemy, old RELIABLES have been very active in civil affairs section explore. The main highway, QL-15 ) 16km southwest of Bin Ha Data as possible the was. 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