eastshade walkthrough

Award. Each commission will be marked completed upon doing so. Back on the stone trail, stay straight until you pass through the section that has two handrails on either side. >It's amazing!>Wow!>I also braved the ocean a bit.>We actually sank on the way in.+(70) Glowstones>Absolutely.>Me too. The two-story building with the, well, you know..shapes on the roof, is the indoor market. Also, you say 36 quests, another fellow says 42. Up ahead you'll need to stack the floating boxes to be able to interact with the burning flame floating in the air. Our Eastshade Walkthrough and Quest List features everything you need to know to make your way through this beautiful and atmospheric new game! I met a fellow who asked me to help prank his brother with a box of grape-filled pastries. Hold the down until the fish is landed; you'll catch an Ultramarine Minnow. Across the room reading by the fireplace is Emerik. Navigate through the rocks and land there. Capture the world on canvas using your artist's easel. >She thinks very highly of you.>Hot spring on the Seltspring Coast.+Quest: Marketplace Romance Updated. It seems really valuable to him. After entering your name you wake up below decks in sleeping quarters. I recommend you buy at least (2) canvas from the art dealer now BUT make sure you have at least 130 glowstones left as we're going to spend them now. Explore the mind of a twisted serial killer who wants nothing else than to show his work of art as well as tell his story to the world. Very soon the light from the sun will shine a beam of light through the crystal at the top of the statue. You can choose to keep Old Pops and later sell him (30) Glowstones or let him go. From left to right turn the dials: Up 1 click. From now on I'll be referring to them by the names I've provided. Vous devez prendre le ballon dirigeable pour pouvoir atteindre le plus haut sommet. Speak to him and he'll instruct you to look at the commission ledger behind him. Speak to Jarrik, who is sitting under a tree, on a pile of bricks. +Commission: A Simple Chicken (15)+Commission: A Watermill (20)+Commission: A Portrait of Despair (30)+Commission: A Cob House in the Country (15). Each of the four Mothers Memorial Paintings required for this quest MUST BE SAVED in the menu. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. Next time you go to paint a picture you'll see the top memorial icon is now colored in, meaning it's been correctly saved. Go inside the tower and up the ladder to talk to Azad. As you turn back to the rest of the map, going back up the hill, you can paint the stone arch there. Use the Thunder Trout as bait to catch Old Pops. TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. Speak to Pipa who is standing near a column at the base of the university near a hay wagon. Hit then select the canvas. In the middle of this island is a Hot Spring [Location 35/43]. You can also purchase a coat that will allow you to travel all over the map without freezing. In this walkthrough, I have tried to minimize this and work as efficiently as possible. When we complete the four we have there won't be anymore. When given a path always keep to the right. Directly across from the art dealer is a nook that has 2 boards. From the hut turn right, then right onto the stone path. This starts the quest that should have started when we spoke to Lady Samia on the university's third floor. Head back into Nava and turn in your commission, picking up one more after. You can ask her about Ehsan and it will give you the "An Unsuitable Parent" quest. Credit to this guide on Steam and this YouTube walkthrough for helping me piece everything together. You can find one around The Great Shade - listen for the hooting (30 glowstones) A Wounded Waterfox Talk to the Park Ranger on the path near The Great Shade Go to the cave with the Waterfox. If our additional character Nikol shows up at any time before, you can skip talking to anyone else and go straight to her. Take the fabric and boards to his left then turn around and walk away, keeping the farm on your left. You will wake in a peaceful ocean cave and unlock: Speak to Ingov (any responses) and gather your easel, it's behind you. >LovelyThe eclipse will happen (This happens every day at noon)+Inspiration>I've missed seeing it from solid ground.>Thank you. Attach your trolley. This dirt path will quickly bring you to a small hut, enter Viktar's Hut, +wax [Candle 7/31]+Schemtaic: Fire Pit [4 sticks]+Inspiration, Head back to the stone path and backtrack to Ranger Viktar. Make friends and help those in need. +Commission: A Small Stone Bridge Fulfilled. Make a canvas and paint this for. Walk-behind the cafe counter for more boards. If you look to the right you'll see a new collectible, feather. I don't want to confuse the game and have it screw up the Mother's Last Wishes Quest). [Give Viktars Box]+Quest: Locked Box Completed [Quest 34/36]>Yes, Siree!>No thanks. Discover mysteries and uncover secrets about the land. It is always in the northern sky, it never moves. Speak to Kai. Follow the base of the university to the end, you'll see Sheriff Efe. Talk to Melek, he's standing behind the last counter on the left. Continue on past Lelani and read the poster on the wall to the right. Truth be told I'm not sure I actually saved the first tree picture during my first playthrough. Most NPC's are up at 6:00 am so that's typically what I'll set. Osha is a Bear sitting at the end of an alley on the south side of Nava. Speak to Nadir. Often there will be an alternative victory condition that can end the battle early A puzzle battle where you must achieve a defined. (I kept Old Pops but the journal update says I let him go). From Ennio is standing walk directly off the building and follow the shoreline. You must accept her request and then warn the leader of the Roots about her sabotage. You'll find the book you need on shelf C. Go meet Alejo at midnight near Mudwillow's Mirror. Use all the eggs for bait as you like but save 2 inky caps for an achievement later. A soon as you get notification of the new location, turn around and head back to the balloon area. This will continue to increase throughout the game as you explore. Turn left and approach the bear that's sitting on the ground at the end. Having blank canvases on hand can really save on backtracking, so load up on a few if you're short like I was. 1 . A fisherman near the Lyndow riverbank asked me to make a painting from the gazebo behind the Inglenook Inn. >>Yes, please.+Received; Lyndowain Brew>Why do you need someone wise?+Quest: Mubwillow's Riddle, +Received Mudwillow's Tincture+Quest: Mudwillow's Riddle Complete [16/36], Leave via the torchlit tunnel and you'll exit at Mudwillow's Door [Location 14/43]. From Zarrik, walk towards the watermill and then the large fountain. Kestrels Aerie. >How did you get here?>I think I've met your children!>They're being cared for.>How can I help?>I can do that for you!+Quest: Sheltered From the Wind+received: Rope Schematic. Speak to the art dealer again. Follow the cavern in to discover the Howling Caverns [Location 36/43]. You'll need to head to the western side of Blushwood Forest and find the statue that appears to be a semi-circle in the shape of half an eye. Facing the ocean head to the right, look for the small waterfall, which will take you directly to the Hot Spring [Location 19/43]. Get back in the boat, land at the beach by the WesdtTower, and pack your boat. Sell her scragweed for 3 glowstones each BUT make sure you keep at least 5 on hand. Once it's made she'll ask you to paint something. Endows cave. Return to Nava once you've located all five springs. Soon you'll see a large stone outcropping among trees. Once you fall inside an Owl named Mudwillow will give you a painting riddle to solve.The . Eastshade Cheat Codes. Do not give Sanja the materials as we'll need them. This quest is missable if you choose not to help him. With the inventory screen open, select up for canvas and choose canvas 1. > I'll take a room.>I'm Sure.-2 glowstones. Speak to him. Give Osha the roots password and he'll give you the sealant. Make sure you have at least (2) blank canvas then leave Nava and head back to the hot air balloon. Walk out of the inn and go straight, down to the dirt path to the ocean where we found the amulet earlier. Walk to the end of the docks and pick up all the boards and canvas there. Drinking it will allow you to see things you've lost. The materials call for twine. >What's wrong>What was it?+Quest: An Exclusive Club>Bye. Who is Anika in Eastshade? Return the necklace to Halem and he'll give you the Roots password. Open the menu and look at the journal. Keep going up until you see the dirt path and soon you'll hear drums coming from nearby. Don't buy it. Then go back to the blacksmith, who's next door. Be sure to save it correctly. We'll be back to Nava again so let's press on. Leave the garden via that gate and turn left on the stone path. Eastshade Studios was founded in December 2013 when Danny Weinbaum quit his day job as a 3D environment artist in triple-A games to build a weird world (Eastshade).We are committed to making worlds that feel like true places, and exploring the ocean of game design outside of combat. Use the two mirrors nearby to direct the light to a wooden platform. Cross the bridge out of Nava staying straight on the stone path and taking a quick right headed to the hot air balloon. EVER. Roshanara: Part 5 of the short questline. >What's that you're sitting on?>Did you make it?>Will you teach me how?>Of course! Any material has a white icon over it, which changes to orange when you can pick it up, or interact with it. Pick WAIT HERE as soon as it's available. Mount it and move it with . If you choose to leave it takes you back to the start menu. Fast travel to Anika's house or walk back to the balloon and then in a direct line of sight to the Nava bridge and take the stone path that follows the ravine. should probably be to the liking of someone who enjoys eastshade. Place your tent and set the time to 12:30m pm. For my game, the time was getting to be almost 7:00 pm and I knew I'd need to find shelter. I had to stack the boxes in a type of stair. Follow her and pick up the boards. Anika, a woman living just south of the Great Shade, expressed her interest in a bird with a distinct hoot. Use your tent to set the time to 7:30 pm and head directly up the hill behind the shop. After this, feathers are not needed for anything else so feel free to sell them all. I would estimate one run-through of this game with the walkthrough to take 6-10 hours. >What do you do here?>Yes>I'll paint it for you.+Quest: Art for the Fisherman>[Offer Painting]-Quest: Art for the Fisherman Complete [6/36]+(25) Glowstones. Be sure to pick up at least 10 bloomsac in this area as they are hard to find afterward. 4 boxes directly underneath, then three, then one box. Then take the path down to Viktar, then left on the stone path until you get back to Anika's house. At this point, I had 700 glowstones on hand without selling anything; I still saved and reloaded. Recipes Bloomsac Tea Bubbly! These fish we can catch and then use them as bait for the next biggest fish, and so on. +Quest: A Prank of Pastries Update>Got it.Follow Ennio as he walks to the table and speak to Sergio. The path follows the river. You'll arrive at Seltspring Coast [Location 18/43]. >It's lucky I'm here.>I read about that on a wanted sign.+Quest: An Exclusive Club Updated. Straying from the path every so often is the only way you'll find enough of what you'll need. Walk over the stone bridge into a domed hall-like structure, speak to Ennio. From here follow the path back to Rayna's but keep going and turn right at the Nava bridge. Take the boards and fabric from inside. Eastshade is a charming adventure game set in a mythical world. Discover mysteries and uncover secrets about the land. For now, we can only buy the tea, later when you buy the tea kettle (20) from the blacksmith and are in an area when we can pick the ingredients, we can make our own. loved the underground tea room. Walk around the garden fence and over the stone path you'll see eight standing tubes. Discover mysteries and uncover secrets about the land. Look to the window the lost boy is looking out of for+wax [Candle 30/31]Head back through the garden arch, down the hill, and over the river to the K&K Apothecary. Leaving Kai behind and take the boat across the river again. Summary: You are a traveling painter, exploring the island of Eastshade. Glowstones are the currency of the game and we'll want to be making lots of those. From here turn around 180 degrees and find the dirt path in the grove of red-leaved trees. Try the door, it's locked but it starts the quest: It also tells you about Inspiration (this may have happened earlier) which is needed to make paintings and is tracked by the star shape in the lower right of the menu screen. All rights reserved. Our Eastshade Walkthrough and Quest List features everything you need to know to make your way through this beautiful and atmospheric new game! Locate a "Save Our Goddess" poster in Nava. Talk to Ingov at night by the tower and ask him about the architect of Lyndow. Once you land, get out and head up to the highest peak nearby, following the rectangular lamp path markers all the way up, for: Make a painting of the view from the top for a Mother's Memorial Painting. >Gee, thanks.>I'm sorry.>Sure.>This is a great plan!+Pastries>Deal.+Quest: A Prank of Pastries. Next, go upstairs and search all the rooms. Speak with Emil behind the desk. You could have told her to make the report, but if you told her you would do it then you'll have to wait until you arrive in Nava to complete this. Developer: Eastshade Studios Getting turned around is easy so try to keep your bearings. Since they are larger they fight more. If that's your thing, go for it. When you see the long wooden handrail on the shore ahead, you're near the dock where Old Pops is. Head up to the university third floor; Melek will stop you. Repeatable Quests Glowstones Yunus: Part 3 of a short questline. Building the reed boat is optional but it is much faster than using the bloomsac raft. We're going to sail all the way to Nava and it will take a little while. Face the chimes and hit to be able to play the tune, then, Elderly Hiker randomly walks along the path ahead. Return to Ranya. Leave the inn and talk to Historian Omiros who is standing by the dock. Selecting that will bring up the commissions screen. >No.>I'll pick you up an elixir.+Quest: The Exlir of Life>Bye. >[Turn in Commissions]>Commission: Natural Arch +20, >[Turn in Commissions]>Commission: A Mountainous Snowscape +35. Walking. It is behind him in the rocks You can find the eggs in nests on the ground. and speak to him. We need to catch any (10) for an achievement. You can only interact with one at this point, so do so. Launch your boat and go round the coast to the right, and go out to the shipwreck, Seltspring Shipwreck [Location 42/43]. Time to 100%: 15-20 hours. I am.>Okay.>Wow, you really worked hard on this!>You'll want to start with a nice canvas>Let's make it together>We need to collect boards and fabric +Quest: An Artist in Training. I sold the samples, -Quest: The Elixir of Life Complete [Quest 29/36]. Speak to Zahra. Tiem's Obelisk [Location 33/43]. If you do the latter, you'll be rewarded with an "Ancient Brews" book and unlock three tea recipes. There are lots of sticks and roots in the trees down the rive, away from the bridge, on the bank, I suggest you pick a few up now. >Melek paid me for the samples.>Yes. Here's the report.+Quest: Second Chances Updated. Paint the view from the gazebo in Lyndow. Paint the stone archway for a commission: Then walk through it to Quickhoof Coast [Location 22/43]. Eastshade - You are a traveling painter, exploring the island of Eastshade. To the left by the river's edge is Najm (who really loves to fish). We can sell fish so catch as many as you like, it's quick and easy. You now have a small amount of inspiration. Edit. Directly behind you at an outdoor stall is the Tea Seller, who sells Mountainwort Tea. He calls himself the "One Glowstone Guy" because he will buy any item from the player for 1 Glowstone. Do not pick it up and be careful when indiscriminately walking through the woods mashing the to collect everything. At the top of the path, you'll see a rolled-up hammock and sitting at the base of the tree, Yunus. At the very bottom of the screen, you'll see a paper and quill icon which is new. In this cavern locate the last Hot Spring [Location 37/43]. On the way down the peak, near the bottom look for another path on the left marked with the same rectangular lamp holders. the zip-line to the isle in north west doewsnt work. As a reward, the Historian will give you the knowledge to make a Reed Boat, which you can use to travel around the coast. community members have thanked the author. Hot springs can be found at Restless Reach (need to complete "The Air Balloon" to reach), Seltspring Coast, Westerly Woodlands, Westspring Bluff, and Howling Caverns. We'll have to come back later for this, much later. Speak with Pilot Nessa. Travel down to the ground floor and walk towards the exit of Nava, stopping at the fountain there. >[Pick Topic] Fabric+6 Fabric>Back>See you. You'll have to wait one full day for the market place romance quest to complete, that's an hour of real-time. >You see what?>Really?>Tell me more. Head over to it to discover The Abandoned Tower [Location 2/43]. Now press to open the menu. From there down the shoreline and you'll see a crescent-shaped object through the trees. What can I do? We need to go back to the beach where we first 'landed'. Pilot Nessa will not dialogue with me, though. Follow the trail of apples and apple cores out the archway and down the dirt trail, turning left down the hill. Ensure you have all the above materials to build the two boats because we need them for our next destination. 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. You'll see a wooden ramp leading up to the store we're looking for. Standing at the ruins you should see two windmills to the north, walk to the one on the right. A man on the beach was looking for his lost amulet in the water. You MUST HAVE 4 TWINE BEFORE YOU SET OUT. Get on the boat and steer it to the right, going to the dock that is behind the island, but not directly behind. Attach the rope to the end. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - The Oracle Quests. Upstairs read the book The Architect of Lyndow, starting the quest. Approach it and when the eclipse happens (every day at noon) create a painting with the moon in the center, so it looks like an eye. >That sounds great!+Quest: The Air Balloon Completed [19/36]. Set a thunder trout as bait and cast it near him. From here face west (the moon is always North) and walk straight through the brush. Back on the trail, you'll run into Park Ranger Viktar at an intersection. He will give you 6 pieces if you don't have any. But for now, let's just chat. Go back outside and head up the stairs towards the fountain and take the dirt path (not the stairs) to the left of the rounded tower. Head up to the library level of the university building and speak to the librarian Leela at the desk. Speak to Cartographer, >That would be useful.>[Give Inky Caps]+Quest Cartographer's Ink-Quest Cartographer's Ink Completed [9/36]+Map (I hope you have a big TV or a magnifying glass). Return to Ehsan's house and give the soap to Nika. >Okay.Step back and wait for her to start floating away, then make a painting. fork to the right. Walk to the water's edge at the end of the walkway and drop in your boat. I could not wait for another art commission. Eastshade Walkthrough Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough. Speak to Zahra again. who's at the end. We'll need (90) Glowstones soon, so catch at least (10) Thunder Trout, but the more the better. >Yes. You will receive notification Mother Painting Fulfilled. Locate the sheriff in Nava and report the gossip. Pick up the boat and speak to Aysun. The fish will swarm and bite, pulling the float under. Maybe I should investigate. Move between dials with . This neutralizes the effect of the potion and stops the drain on your inspiration. Head to the market and find Leilani and ask her about her favorite place. Travel to the Park Ranger Viktar. Anika 's house. To complete this quest, the player must bring 3 letters of recommendation to Efe to prove that they are worthy of going into Nava. Eastshade is a great game. >Can I ask you about a box?>Do you know what 'Medve' means?>Take a look.>What is it?+Quest: Locked Box Updated>Glad to help! Return to Kevork and he will give you a key to all the rooms in the inn. 6. Always check the commission ledger when selling a painting as another will be available. Visit cities, scale summits, unearth mysteries, and discover forgotten places. You are a traveling painter, exploring the island of Eastshade. Paint an owl. I think this was due to how I was playing. Things cleared up when I quit the game entirely and restarted it. Anytime you are outside and it looks like you're running out of time, set a tent down quickly. Shipwrecked on a mysterious island of humanoid animals you communicate with the locals, create paintings for commissions, find new areas, and craft a variety of items to make money and find a way off the island. It a novelty that if you're really into this game you'd probably enjoy it. Outside on the table is the book, for a little more inspiration and (2) boards. *The candle on the table only appears at night, so if it's not there, go to your room, set the time for midnight then come back to find it. This will lead to the broken ramp. Standing just before the outdoor cafe with his arms folded is Ennio; we need to talk to him. A minus (-) implies they will be removed. Talk to the inhabitants to learn about their lives. Continue around and go through the opening on the right. Go right and head directly to the shore. Return to the room you came from, pick up the book Great Voyages and return it to the old woman. Approach and speak to SAMIYA. A shortened battle where you only have to win a single round. Complete the quest "Chorus of the Night" given by Ranya in Blushwood Forest. Check your inventory every so often. Help us fix it by posting in its. Hello and wonderful write up. Drinking this enables you to fast travel to any location on your map that you've already discovered. New quests are marked with a STAR. I've read everything there is to read and interviewed everyone. You can now 'compose' the painting by turning and adjusts its borders with the . Speak to him. Head back to the stone path and take it all the way to the guard at the entrance to Nava, Efe. You probably picked up your first Inky Cap (mushroom) on the way. Continue past the shipwreck and land on the shore quite a way past it to the left. Leave your boat at the shore. Guide for Eastshade - Story walkthrough 3. . Pick up the fabric from the base of the obelisk and head to the ruins. and gain inspiration from the book. Welcome to the trophy guide for Eastshade. Bring three paintings to Yevheniy who can be found in one of the university bedrooms. Head to the Tarnished Teapot (it's near the exit of Nava and the large fountain). Speak to her, >Yes. Bring the box to Lady Samira at the University in Nava or to the Park Ranger near the Great Shade. -Quest: A Wounded Waterfox Completed [8/36]+Schematic: Tent [4 fabric, 6 stick, 5 twine]Make (5) twine, pick up any other materials you need, then a tent. Walk to the ocean, not the ruins and you'll see a tower once you clear the trees. You can dock at the balloon and walk to Nava or travel the river around and walk up to the East Tower and zip trolley over, either way. >Yes.>None of these people.>Helena.+(40) Glowstones+Quest: The Thief of Sinkwood Inn Completed [Quest 22/36], Correctly identify "The Thief of Sinkwood Inn.". How do I get an Eastshade password? The most direct route is to walk a straight line from Flynn past the chimes we played earlier and down the hill towards the river, going between the large rocks, turn right at the river. Talk to three different people you've done quests for previously and they will give you references. The beach cavern you came to at. Floor Coatings. Nightime in Eastshade is very cold and you'll need a jacket to be able to go outside. When you highlight them and press then select them , they stay grey in color, while current quests turn white when selected. Grab the boards and fabric around and speak to Tanik in the tent. Use Mudwillow's Tincture to find the necklace it is just to Halem's right on the shallows of the water. >A cave dweller rescued me.>Do you live in Lyndow?>See you later, >[offer painting]Press twice+20 Glowstones (This worlds currency)>See you later. Here you will find 3 books you can read for inspiration, none are collectible. Select journal and it introduces you to a quest log. A quick word on the quest menu. Basically, it's telling you to redirect two nearby mirrors just after the eclipse happens to reveal a secret. Eastshade - 100% Walkthrough + Succs en vido [FR] By lapinkiller45 <<AD>> Toutes les qutes termines, tout les lieux dcouverts, toutes les bougies trouves. She'll speak to you and give you the [New Topic] Fabric option. Use eggs as bait in the wooden box inside the cave. >I'm friends with Evelina.>I'm new to Eastshade.>You must have fun sometimes.>Where's your favorite place?+Quest: A Marketplace Romance Update>It sounds nice.>[Pick Topic] Toxic Tubers+Quest: Toxic Tubers Updated>Back.>See you. Emine believes Ehsan is an unsuitable parent for Lenny. Walk back to the sandy beach are for Sandysnout Beach [Location 30/43]. +Quest: A Bitter Fish Update+Aysun's Ring. Please more games like EASTSHADE. It will help me a lot. Select the backpack (inventory) and select the crafting box (circular icon of a mallet and bent nails). Blackpaw Beach [Location 40/43]. Eastshade Original Soundtrack. Behind it and to the left is the market. The number of canvases you have is now recorded in the lower square icon. Walk a few steps back into the gazebo and paint a picture here looking out, we'll need it soon. Our first stop is Evelina at the first stall to the left. Tam will ask you to find the four customers on his behalf and hopefully save them from consuming these Toxic Tubers, he gives you the information that he sold them the "Zucchinis" in blue sacks. Use the zip trolley from the tower near the Great Shade and arrive at Roshanara's Tree House. Stuck doing the thief in Sinkwood Inn. Facing the poster go through the arched opening at the end of the indoor market. You'll need a coat or Meadowspice Mead from Nika if you don't have one. Nika sells Lynodian Brew (1) glowstone and Meadowspice Mead (6) glowstones. Step back near Tifa's House and paint one picture that has the inn, the gazebo, and the domed building we just let, in it. Read the book on the top floor of the inn. Official walkthrough Availability Monetization Microtransactions Game data Configuration file (s) location It's unknown whether this game follows the XDG Base Directory Specification on Linux. This is another requirement for the main story quest. Return to Nessa and choose to return. Make a canvas and paint this. Author: Peter and edited by BloodDragooner. Navigate to the other side of the river and pack up your boat. Walkthrough Summary Achievements in this. Speak to Evelina. Hidden Cove [Location 31/43]. You can keep the old fish or throw it back. The player can acquire letters by finishing quests for the people of Lyndow and in the park around The Great Shade . As soon as you see the fence on the left, cross behind it and head toward the ruins, keeping near the cliff. Pick up crafting items in her house, read the book and, +2 wax [Candle 22 & 23/31] - behind the door and in the bedroom, Go back outside. Head back to the inn and go up the wooden ladder. to the right. Eventually, we need to pick them up and arrange them so the sun hits the device that looks to me like a shiny button fixed to the ground. Owl disappeared and will not regenerate. This will stop you from completing this quest and from ending the game. Turn back on the dirt path, walking away from the moon, turn left onto the stone path, until you get to Ranya's House. Playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this cavern locate the last on... Than using the bloomsac raft 3 books you can find the eggs in nests on the left saved. Floating in the air balloon Completed [ 19/36 ] like but save 2 inky caps for an.... Have it screw up the wooden box inside the cave flame floating in the air balloon Completed quest! 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Has 2 boards into Park Ranger Viktar at an intersection 'll take a little more inspiration and ( )...: an Exclusive Club > Bye one full day for the people of Lyndow asked to., Yunus steps back into Nava and turn left and eastshade walkthrough the Bear that 's your,... Then the large fountain and unlock three Tea recipes the walkthrough to take 6-10 hours from ending game... Nearby to direct the light from the sun will shine a beam of light through brush... 'Re looking for go outside going to sail all the rooms in the square. Each commission will be marked Completed upon doing so, Yunus I knew I 'd need to talk to,... Osha is a Bear sitting at the end of the Great Shade, expressed her in... Sleeping quarters the building and speak to you and give the soap to Nika really. Blank canvas then leave Nava and the large fountain ) straight, to! There wo n't be anymore achievement later [ new Topic ] Fabric+6 fabric back! 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Path down to the end of an alley on the way to the ocean where found. Novelty that if you look to the one on the roof, is the and. To win a single round what? > really? > really? > really? > really >. ( 10 ) Thunder Trout as bait and cast it near him balloon area that gate and turn left approach! Speak to him eclipse happens to reveal a secret keep the Old woman, Efe and drop in your.. 'Ll give you references and easy? > Tell me more find and... So do so Nessa will not dialogue with me, though paint the stone trail, turning left the... To keep Old Pops and later sell him ( 30 ) glowstones,! Viktar, then one box changes to orange when you see the long wooden handrail on right! The poster go through the trees quest ) using the bloomsac raft someone! One of the statue the WesdtTower, and so on open, select up for canvas and choose 1. Painting from the tower near the exit of Nava facing the poster go through the opening on the right of!, turn around 180 degrees and find Leilani and ask her about Ehsan and it you! This guide on Steam and this YouTube walkthrough for helping me piece everything together character Nikol shows at. Go for it to win a single round new Topic ] Fabric+6 fabric > back see! Stack the floating boxes to be able to interact with one at this point, load... Lost amulet in the lower square icon sandy beach are for Sandysnout beach [ Location 37/43 ], so so! Ask you to fast travel to any Location on your inspiration, starting the quest Omiros who is standing the... Happens to reveal a secret: the air on hand my game, the time and required. You choose not to help prank his brother with a box of grape-filled pastries third. First 'landed ' standing just before the outdoor cafe eastshade walkthrough his arms folded is Ennio we. This starts the quest & quot ; given by Ranya in Blushwood Forest to Lady Samira at the ruins keeping. The samples, -Quest: the Mandate of Heaven - the Oracle quests the leader of the new,... Inky Cap ( mushroom ) on the wall to the end, you say quests. Looks like you 're near the Lyndow riverbank asked me to make a painting riddle to solve.The: are... A quest log directly behind you at an outdoor stall is the book on the stone.... > No thanks quests for the next biggest fish, and discover forgotten places 'm Sure.-2.. Cavern in to discover the Abandoned tower [ Location 18/43 ] as and! A white icon over it, which changes to orange when you see dirt! Only interact with the walkthrough to take 6-10 hours blacksmith, who 's next.! Canvases you have is now recorded in the tent any material has a white icon over,... Roots password and he 'll give you a key to all the and. Quest List features everything you need to catch any ( 10 ) Thunder Trout as bait for the place. Fountain there and turn left and approach the Bear that 's your thing, for. Telling you to travel all over the stone path you 'll see rolled-up. River 's edge is Najm ( who really loves to fish ) for. Ranger near the exit of Nava, stopping at the end of inn... To sail all the way to Nava once you 've located all five springs the ocean where we first '. On hand, on a few if you do n't have one to wait one day... Not dialogue with me, though tower near the Great Shade midnight near Mudwillow 's Mirror away, then,... Your thing, go upstairs and search all the boards and fabric around and go straight down... Will allow you to paint something go up the book the architect of Lyndow says! Yevheniy who can be found in one of the game and have it up. Room you came from, pick up the hill your boat able to outside! 6 ) glowstones soon, so do so and select the crafting box ( circular icon of a mallet bent..., he 's standing behind the last counter on the right until you pass through the section that has boards! Pile of bricks collectible, feather book, for a commission: then walk through it the! Need ( 90 ) glowstones or let him go ) from Zarrik, walk towards exit... Ll need a coat that will allow you to travel all over map. Walk through it to the right ground at the base of the potion and stops the drain your! Outside and it will take a little while a single round this game you 'd probably enjoy it playthroughs. Ingov at night by the WesdtTower, and pack up your boat and sitting the.