A prevalent theme in Sula is the influence of family and friends on the characters. Only a limited number of institutions have divested their endowments, and the stocks of major fossil-fuel companies show little effect. Upload your study docs or become a Course Hero member to access this document Continue to access Term Fall She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. The people in these novels are complex. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. reduce the fear of the unexpected nature of death, Which sentence seems most true about Shadrack's word, "always?". Thirty years ago, he warned that human beings were altering the planet in such a way that we would imperil our own . Their success on this dimension offers important insights relevant for all social activists to consider. William Ernest McKibben (born December 8, 1960) [1] is an American environmentalist, author, and journalist who has written extensively on the impact of global warming. The novel mostly concerns the way African American communities both include and exclude those members who have violated community mores or who have become dislocated in ways that cause them to live on the moral or social margins. article, p. 173 . Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Resistance is not traditionally regarded as a technology, but McKibben argues that it is a uniquely human practice. he feels guilty about Ted Lavender's death. --Claire Skinner, "Climate-Induced Migration," 2018, a database article True. (Choose all that apply): examples, statistics, syllogisms, expert testimony. The publication of this new 10th . It is often a good idea to include a transition word or phrase in a topic sentence to help readers understand the relationship between the previous paragraph and the new one that has begun. With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in. (4) Authority: What is the ethos of the author and the publisher? Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Question 8 Answers:"McKibben extols the virtues of . "Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. Which is the better thesis statement? Question 5 "McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "Pillow Talk" by Alisdair Gray and "Everything is Green" by David Foster Wallace. she does not want to be named after the people who oppress her. He is the founder of the environmental organizations Step It Up and 350.org, and was among the first to warn of the dangers of global warming. The concept of Kairos has to do with using the best argumentative approach, given the historical and social moment in which an argument is made. false The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). probate hearing." Brief of Appellant, at 10. Formal textual aspects of a literary work include (choose all that apply): (1) theme (2) form and genre (3) character (4) language, such as symbols and imagery. Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. while Aristotelean arguments focus on the validity of their point while addressing counterarguments, Rogerian arguments focus on compromise in order to establish common ground, Matching questions on Chapter 7 - Argument. When Helene and Nel enter the train car for white people in error and the conductor asks to "get [their] butts on in" to the black train car, ________. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Furthermore, he urges that "we" (ALL humans) are the deciding chip in said bond. I try to burrow as deeply as I can into characters. A conventional approach might collapse these goals into a plan to directly challenge specific targets, as when a labor campaign elicits public support to unionize a workplace or an environmental campaign seeks to shut down a specific pipeline. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. The narrator in the second part of the story decides that ________. The gray ball of fur just outside Nel's field of vision most likely serves as a symbol of ________. For example, he says that (check all that apply) A, crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away B. ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Subgenres of drama include tragedy and comedy. Pay close attention to punctuation. the adult who was the yearning boy of five in the first part of the story. Instead, our analysis shows the value of distinguishing between challenging specific targets and changing the broader public discourse. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. McKibben argues that the ethic of many American politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand's philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness. Socialist policies are against our democratic values (4) Ad-hominem: The president says global warming is not occurring, but how can we believe him when he eats McDonald's burgers for lunch every day? In addition to looking at the formal elements in a literary text, writers might also look at (choose all that apply): (1) the philosophies that the work addresses (2) the work's cultural context. Although her works are not limited to social protest, Morrison is concerned with racial themes frequently encountered in African American literature. They are suspicious of each other; the boss is reproachful. The United States should be investigating ways of minimizing the use of fossil fuels instead of focusing on building a pipelines, such as the Keystone pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline that will produce greenhouse gases, harm residents along the pipeline's route and fail to bring in the number of jobs the projects promise to create. Gardner explains that few tasks in life require being able to read passages quickly or solve math problems quickly (23). This is where eating locally comes in . Social movements typically achieve influence by gaining attention from news media and gaining buy-in from critical supporters. Gardner writes, "As a teacher I want my students to read and write; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments" (23). It is Public Enemy Number One to the survival of our planetary civilization.. The radical flank effect and our findings offer some critical insights for social activists. Namely, where others argued for industry-wide controls on carbon without demonizing any particular industry, McKibbens radical flank portrayed the fossil-fuel industry as a public enemy and called for its extermination. . Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: . McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. These deaths, as Nel's thoughts about the grave markers suggest, are linked to wider scenes of death, to war and to the longing for peace, and, significantly, to freedom through the formal structure of the novel." --Nelly McKay, "An Interview with Toni Morrison," database PDF article, page 420 I try to burrow as deeply as I can into characters. The text argues that rather than being impartial, students should aim to be multi-partial, inhabiting as many positions on their topic as they can. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Which strategies can writers use to support an idea in the body paragraphs? (3) The specter of death hangs over all the characters. On appeal, Fred McKibben argues only that the Kansas proceedings were inadequate because the charges of undue influence in the drafting and execution of the will were "overshadowed by discussion concerning the inability of appellant's counsel to appear at the initial . Check off all the things that were used to make the quilt. Which is the better thesis? The soldiers carry objects that are necessary, but they also carry objects that (check all that apply): (1) are good luck charms (2) remind them of home, a junior at Mount Sebastian College, Jimmy Cross's love interest. The book focuses on two friends, Sula and Nel, but both have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by their experiences with their families, particularly their mothers. Before his death, Kafka instructed his friend Max Brod to ________. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8C to 1.2C. In a recent article in the New Yorker, Bill McKibben argues that the emissions reductions achieved by the US over the last 15 years are largely illusory. The building of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the United States should proceed since it would benefit the U.S economy, it is safe, and since the United States is not switching to cleaner energy sources, it is better that oil be imported from stable, democratic nations such as Canada. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Ethical appeals have to do with the credibility of the speaker. While some readers might argue that Sylvia does not realize the importance of being humble and grounded in reality, Sylvia's determination that "ain't nobody gonna beat me at nuthin" is the key that will lead her to achieving her goals. Topic sentences state the main idea of a body paragraph. Big game hunting should not be banned: It is a noble sport that actually helps conservation efforts in important ways. Illustration by John Watson. to which fairy tale? Whose point of view does the story present? McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. As such, the radical flank effects social change indirectly by creating opportunities for more moderate groups and issues to become more influential. At first, the painter thinks that Javi is there to ________. his own biographical reality with his family, religion, and country. Lucy's attitudes and behavior are representative of the new white South African and, because they are in direct conflict with David's attitudes and behavior, point to the humble position that David must learn to accept in the new South African society. Stein argues that Sula is ironic about the hero's journey in literature. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. . We need to view the fossil-fuel industry in a new light. Doing well in college has very little to do with the ability to finish a test within a particular period of time (Gardner 23). By doing so, McKibben implies that action must be situated if we are to expect any change in such bleak a situation. the attitude or point about specific subject that the work deals with. The author of "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Careful, analytical reading is the first step in preparing to write an essay. I don't come up with all good or all bad" (qtd. Exhibiting a phenomenon in the social sciences called the radical flank effect, McKibben and 350.org have dramatically altered the climate change debate in the United States. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. --IPCC, "Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C," p. 4 When Javi drops his mother off at a church in Los Angeles offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, ________. runs after the wagon until his lungs give out. Several metamorphoses occur in the story; in other words, several characters change. uses a walking stick and the newspaper to stomp Gregor back into his room. the capable girl of nine in the first part of the story. The soldier's humor (i.e. Death is present in throughout Sula, and its significance has to do with war and the longing for peace and to freedom as well (Reddy 29). Our evidence suggests this shift enabled previously marginal policy ideas such as a carbon tax and carbon budget to gain greater traction in the debate. . Confirmation bias is defined as an approach to research that is meant to reinforce the writer's world view rather than to discover answers to a question with an open mind. A good place for students to begin their research process is the college's library and database archive. In Sula, Morrison seems to be more concerned with the internal social dynamics of the black community of The Bottom and "characters who each signify an adaptation to . Campaign with a stated goal to revoke the social license of the fossil fuel industry. With the help of activist college students, the movement sought to stigmatize fossil fuel companies, restrict future cash flows and depress share prices by compelling universities to divest their holdings in these companies. Is the following sentence, taken from the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? For what good is it to build a multibillion-dollar rapid transit system when a few decades from now it may be underwater? . --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 he will take his father on; he will face his father, in a fist fight if necessary. The son has to work to pay off the father's debt. Answers:"McKibben explains that although there have been other times in the history of the Earth when carbon dioxide has gone into the atmosphere in greater amounts, there has not been a time when it has goneinto the atmosphere at such high speed. Which is the better thesis? Federal regulations on water pollution must be stricter to protect the public from dangerous chemicals released into waterways through farming, factories, and other sources. (2) "Burn your sister's shawl so it can cloak her spirit.". The protagonists of these stories have to overcome the same dilemma: understanding their actual socio/economic positions in their respective societies. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). It is these "processes" rather than the "events" that cause people to migrate (Skinner, 2018, para. he realizes that he will probably never see his mother again. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. --Toni Morrison, Sula, page 158 "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. Use isolatedisolatedisolated in a sentence about a camping trip. In these conditions, direct challenges are likely to meet unyielding resistance, while a more indirect route may create space for incumbents, such as established corporations, opinion leaders and politicians, to positively re-evaluate climate activist positions. We do not need stronger EPA regulations on water quality since our water is safe and further regulations would burden farmers and small businesses. Which of the following is a metaphor? Showing a graph to make a particular point is sufficient for making a logical appeal. Assistant Professor at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, Holcim (US) Professor at the Ross School of Business and Education Director at the Graham Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan. What individual items carried by the soldiers reveal their personalities? (1) Citation mining: using a text's citations and notes to track down other similar or related sources (2) Web of Science: a digital archive that can find where else the source that you are using has been cited (3) Bootstrapping: clicking on keywords in a source to find similar sources with the same keywords (4) Researching: finding information on a topic from reliable sources. However, the ending seems more hopeful for Sylvia of "The Lesson" than for Rosaura of "The Stolen Party.". Javi and the painter are similar in terms of ________. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: . Methane matters, but doesn't eliminate gains from emissions reductions. McKibben writes of our Earth's environmental cataclysm, addressing such core issues as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. The campaigns goal was to stigmatize and thereby harm the value of fossil fuel companies. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: ., is set in a cemetery where Nel Wright Greene is finally beginning to mourn the death of her friend Sula Peace, twenty-five years after the fact. What does Sula overhear Hannah saying about her (Sula)? --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number As one critic explains, "The story of Nel and Sula is inscribed within the other, equally sorrowful stories of the Bottom. Pay close attention to punctuation. In Sula, characters adjust to their marginalized roles within the constraints of "a community divided by class" (McLaren). The difference between Aristotelean arguments and Rogerian arguments is that ________. all of the details in the paragraph relate to the main point of the paragraph. However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. Javi presents himself as someone who can do the following (check all that apply): moves into the garage of the painter's house. The most likely reason Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters is that ________. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Conversely, the positive radical flank effect is when members of a social movement are viewed in contrast to each other; extreme actions from some members make other organizations seem more palatable or reasonable. Pay close attention to punctuation. For example, he says that (check all that apply): Selected Answers: crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves . Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. to look cooler and younger than he is in order to attract young women. According to McKibben, humans have affected the survival rates of other species. Introductions for literary analysis essays should not include the name of the work(s) and the name of the author(s). The higher ups in Miami and in state government do not like to talk about it. A shift to renewable energy will level the playing field for billions of people. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Bill McKibben is a well-known economist and leader in the environmental movement. The author reports that rising sea levels and melting ice caps were originally predicted to occur at the end of this century, but they are occurring now. Initially, we note that the . Bright colors figure individuality, often distinguishing those who are marginalized by society. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Similes and metaphors establish comparisons between two dissimilar things. McKibben explains that a question arises about coastline retreat: Where should people go? For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. Gardner argues that timed tests would provide students the opportunity to prove themselves and their ability "to read, write, and think well" (23). "Yes, the wind still blows - but no longer from some other sphere, some inhuman place" (41). PDF article, p. 189 Eva's decision to set Plum on fire after he returns from WWI addicted to heroin is based on ________. Auden's poem accurately interprets Brueghel's painting, demonstrating the point of the painting: Far from being innocent about the suffering of others, we turn away and pretend to be oblivious. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Changes in a region's water cycle, which can include more frequent droughts, changes in the type of precipitation (e.g., snow to rain), and excessive flooding, do not always cause mass, long-term migration, but the associated increase in food instability does. Match the character (in the novel: Sula) with the respective role they play in the novel. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Coherence refers to establishing clear connections between ideas in a paragraph and between paragraphs. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . to read this seminal offering first published over a decade ago when the phenomenon of global warming was a hotly argued and angrily debated issue. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. In a literary analysis essay, the thesis statement makes an assertion that the rest of the paper must prove. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 31 He also debated Bill McKibben, an American environmentalist, author and journalist who has written extensively on the impact of . . Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. However, despite this self-confidence, their futures are likely to be very different because of their attitudes toward the events that occur, their reactions to their discoveries, and the influences of the female figures around them. . At the same time, she develops a rich irony by juxtaposing heroic expectations with mundane reality. The new charwoman (cleaning lady) is ________. In the first part of the story, the father tells the son far too often and always in the same way ________. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 The novel's protagonists - Shadrack, Nel/Sula, and the community of people who live in the Bottomrepresent an anti-war theme through overlapping and connected plots (Reddy 31). When Sula dons a green ribbon, however, Ajax reads this as a sign of her burgeoning dependence on him. Pay close attention to punctuation. The Bottom refers to the joke of a white farmer who says the town is the bottom of heaven. Comparing and contrasting characters or even texts is not usually a good way to discuss the meaning or value of a work. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. (5) Slippery slope: If we begin thinking that non-human species have rights, people will soon be marrying bacteria (6) False dichotomy: We either save the economy or we save the planet. How do the teenage girls dress when they go out together? --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number McKibben explains that although there have been other times in the history of the Earth when carbon dioxide has gone into the atmosphere in greater amounts, there has not been a time when it has gone into the atmosphere at such high speed. Examining the cultural context of a work can involve examining gender roles, race relations, class boundaries, and the historical time period. --Toni Morrison, Sula, page 153 with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 12 Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. Sula is an independent being: "[S]he felt no compulsion to verify herselfbe consistent within herself" (Morrison 119). The only job of writers who analyze a work using comparison and contrast is write a list of comparisons and contrasts in their papers. Dee demands the handmade quilts the mother promised Maggie. (1) Post hoc, ergo propter hoc: Caribou population has risen since oil drilling started in Alaska. One can find similarities in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" that his mother had thrown his sister off the wagon when the wolves approached. . He might as well sit forever on his riverbank and stare out of the window at the moon. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 It was long believed that massive "climate events" such as severe storms pushed people to migrate. Pay close attention to punctuation. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. But in doing a network text analysis of news articles, we found that by other measures the effort has been a success. Bill McKibben. Her approach to life is one of discovery. Each [character] in the Bottom has his [or her] own circle of sorrow" (Pruitt 117). Each man in the Bottom has his own circle of sorrow. his father has some money left from his failed business. Noted author and 350.org co-founder Bill McKibben was among the first to celebrate word that the president of the European Investment Bank on Wednesday openly declared, "To put it mildly, gas is over"--an admission that squares with what climate experts and economists have been saying for years if not decades.. Dr. Werner Hoyer, president of the EIB--the investment bank publicly owned by the . When Gregor comes out of his room, Gregor's father________. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. McKibben is a mighty orator on the page here, just as he was in The End of Nature (1989) and Eaarth (2010), and his call for creating more compassionate and equitable societies is inspiring." -- Pacific Standard " Falter is McKibben''s most powerfully argued book, and maybe his most important since The End of Nature 30 years ago. We also have to keep a whole lot of wild birds alive right now. Similes and metaphors establish comparisons between two dissimilar things. When Martin Luther King Jr. first began speaking his message, it was perceived as too radical for the majority of white America. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken:
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