If bleeding gums are the cause there is often bad breath associated with the bad taste. Ok for a week now. Call the office for an appointment. Sometimes I wish I never went. Went to GI doctor had an endoscopy and everything came back fine. After about 3 - 4 days, I was SO full and more nauseated. Such simple changes have such a great impact. Within a few days Claudia felt fine, the vile taste gone and her digestive misery also a memory. Im wondering if someone with long standing heartburn, reflux, and some Barrets esophagus should consider the possibility that they have hypochlorhydria even though they have responded well to PPIs. Also indigestion. In May I will be back in BARRINGTON. Seeing your physician and going over your history, symptoms, and testing makes the most sense. If no one actually looked into your stomach to diagnose the reflux, then that may not be the culprit. bHCG 0.76 tested 24 days after sex; 1 week after delayed period. Dr E, My history is complicated. I am now wondering did I not take enough or did I use too much? Try it for a couple of weeks and see if your bad taste starts to clear. How long should I keep taking the HCL?? so just wondered if it cud be a sign. This can make food taste different and cause bad breath. I was scoped years ago and there was a little redness distally. Acid medications, digestive enzymes, hcl none of these worked. Reasons include medication use, hay fever, pregnancy, kidney. The supplements mentioned in the article are available at most health food stores or you can click on the links to purchase directly from WholeHealth Chicago if you wish. Incidently, taking prevecid 30 min. She is currently on hydroxychloroquine sulphate, alendronate sod, calcium carbs, mtx and omeprazole. Ive had this same history and strong acidic taste in mouth over last few years, the taste has recently become worse and for most of the day (Im usually okay upon waking and it increases throughout the day). I have a "metallic" smell in my nose when i sleep less over weeks. If you don;t improve after a month, discontinue it, I have taken every PPI on the market over the last five years. I have tried PPI but it didnt help. Hi Zach Yeah, Ive heard of this happening before though I dont understand the specifics of it. It is disgusting like how i guess mold might taste after smelling it. Amie. Patients also frequently complain of a sweet or metallic taste in the mouth, irritated or dry throat, and chest pain. Please consider calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with one of our practitioners. If not, google the Institute for Functional Medicine to find like-minded clinicians. I had diarrhea after eating a couple hours earlier and very bad stomach pains. We coalesce here to reclaim control of our lives through: education, sharing experiences, sharing management techniques, sharing resources, exposing stigma & norms, and advancing the discussion & awareness around Health Anxiety (a.k.a. Similase(digestive enzymes), Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Its been affecting my throat. Sometimes probiotics work for me and sometimes they dont, its very confusing. He also has heart issues but is having this awful metallic taste in his mouth he will not eat hardly at all he cringes when he puts things in his mouth and its been going on since he started! It might start to fade away all on its own, as the treatment continues. Best wishes to you! I have the bad taste all the time and feel like food is sitting in my throat and constant Naseous all day. The taste in my mouth is extremely bitter and tingly. We are going on 7 months with this nitemare. If it is positive, a short course of an antibiotic (Xifaxan) may actually be curative. Thank you . Thanks for the encouraging words. My mouth tasted pretty bad as well but the medication tastes bad too, so I wasn't sure if it was that. Best wishes, and I hope we can help you get to the bottom of this! 336. I cry when I don't feel good. The pain was in my lower abdomen, which had been distended for several years. Two tests would be helpful and have your doctor switch you to carafate for the nausa! My PPIs are not working. Chemical exposures Also I only take one hcl with meals & get no discomfort do I need to try taking more than one ? i felt something was wrong and was rushed into the ER. Oral health issues. Thank you! So next time I got a glimpse of that taste, I did eat that steak, and wahala all gone. Fishy smell in private regions (Could it be some kind of infection thats linked with the fishy breath?). Loss of appetite. Dear Dr. Edelberg flu-like illness with a metallic taste in the mouth, [online-vitamins-guide.com] Symptoms of metal fume fever include a metallic taste in the mouth, fever, headache, chest pain, and shortness of breath. My doctor tried putting me on some medication for it but after side affects i decided to deal with the anxiety myself! I really was surprised with how many people suffer from this condition. I had several biopsies and nine vials of blood taken from me and a stool sample. By evening my throat gurgles, like air or gas is trapped, and i mean loudly (by the way I never burp) and I usually get so bloated i look pregnant, this is from ppis. Thank you for answering my questions and for your site. Im allergic to some foods and food sit in my stomach for a long time before digesting. For example, I had one patient recently who had armpit odor only under one arm. Sharma, Edelberg, Gemelas and Scott. No typical heartburn symptoms though I have had them in the past. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." coughing that sometimes produces a pink frothy sputum, swelling of the face, mouth, lips, or throat, feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings. Claudia and you are my only Hope off having any relieve. You can try your luck with difference medications in that same general group, like Dexilant or Prilosec, or try using a natural product like DGL https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/supplements-by-condition/digestive-support/dgl-plus.html, At the moment I am experiencing all these symptoms, since my pregnancies ive been taking omaprozole 10mg but now I have phlemge on the back of my throat with When do u know u need to start supplementing with hcl ? I feel I av silent reflux as something is affecting throat. It doesnt seem to prudent to run to the grocery store. Cheers Lesley Keogh. Very safe with any other medication your taking. I've been having neck and shoulder issues that are causing some neurological symptoms like tingling and numbness along with alot of pain. I have been to three GI doctors and they all say I should continue the Omeprazole because my inflammation and esophagus needs to heal. He took these under the doctors care for 2 months but his symptoms only got worse. I used to take Prilosec. Signs and symptoms include metallic taste; garlicky odor; nausea; pain in gullet, stomach, or abdomen; vomiting; diarrhea; cough dyspnea; respiratory failure; headache; anxiety; hypotension tachycardia/bradycardia; myocarditis; hepatosplenomegaly; renal failure; coma; and others. also i should be healing relatively quickly also I'm only 21 and never had any other health issues before this. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I tried taking a Pepcid and I had chest pain the next day. You can obtain the supplements listed in this health tip at most good health food stores or just click on the links in the article to go directly to WholeHealth Chicagos Natural Apothecary. Hi Sari Nothing shakes faith like multiple points of view. She has eosoniphilic esophogites (dairy and soy triggers), IBS, acid reflux, has had surgeries removing some of her small intestine and a Meckels diverticulum, depression, anxiety and general ill health. Sometimes jumping too quickly to using HCl or using too high of a dose can create a situation of too much acid leading to reflux, ulcers, etc. Metallic taste. Last Fall I was going to Dr. that suggested that I try Chelation Support to help rid my body of possible metals that I may have been exposed to in the Gulf War. Not to disparage her gastroenterologist, but if hed seen the supplement, he would have had his own Aha! moment and understood why his Nexium made everything worse. Hi Lori. Cerebral emboli occurred in patients receiving IV administration. I dont no what to do next ? I did have a gastric bypass surgery about 8 years ago,but I had it reversed 2 years later due to severe medical problems. -Dr M. I just found your article. Also, this may increase the risk of malnutrition for a patient recovering from surgery, ultimately impacting their state of overall well-being and quality of life. I literally wake up in the night because the taste is so strong. I have had this problem in the past and it went away overnight I think stress has played always played a big part but it now feels like Im in a loop and cant get out of it! Dr. Edelberg can be seen by appointment at our Center; WholeHealth Chicago, 2265 N. Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614; 773-296-6700. Hi Sandy Betaine HCL https://store.wholehealthchicago.com/shop/betaine-hcl-2/ If youre not getting satisfactory results by the time you finish the bottle, dont buy another. something one should stop consuming. Im lost and not sure what is causing this taste. A metallic taste in your mouth can be a side effect of food allergies, especially to such as shellfish or tree nuts. I found apple cider helped but hurts my throat. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Im currently taking probiotics aswell. Natural remedies were always immediately too strong and drying. It is probably worth having someone test you for stool and vaginal candida and get a blood test testing to see if your immune system is creating antibodies to candida (this is a way we test to see if candida is there at all). Thank you, Dr. E! I am experiencing the same symptoms as you. Any advice would be appreciated, Hi Linda this definitely sounds like something we may be able to help you with, but it would require an in-depth conversation about your history, symptoms, tests that have been performed (and those that may not have been performed). Thank you! Yesterday I started with HCL. She had COVID in December but other than that she is a healthy child. Hello, I would like to ask you if it is possible that low acid causes burning and painful mouth, tongue and throat? Dr.Edelberg, From Sue: My PC doc left me a message and said for me to start taking antacid, which I have and the rancid taste is persisting. Kidney and Liver Disease Known as the silent disease, because of how it causes harm to the body without being noticed, Kidney disease is a deadly one. Two weeks later i was having surgery removing my gaulbladder. buy probiotics!!! Your chewed-up food is held in your stomach, feeling like dead weight, needing more acid to break it down and convert it to chyme. Adjust your 5 Flavors. Seems a little excessive not to mention the added anxiety attacks waiting to happen lol. The pot is a 16 gallon beer keg and the top is a valved internal reflux. Okay fourth time. Where can I buy the Bethanie HC L. Idk why I feel like this still. I am so completely stressed out over it. If you want to try a natural product, get Mega Guard(in our apothecary), one capsule twice a day, I had a bout of gastritis 2 weeks ago and took antacids that have aluminium hydroxide as an ingredient. I am ecstatic. Dr R when do u stop taking hcl supplements ? With all this burping, I sometimes do burp up supplements I take and that is not pleasant. Oh, I should have mentioned, I have also been burping a lot. The cause can be genetic or secondary to a separate condition, like hypothyroidism (low thyroid) or an autoimmune disorder that destroys the acid-producing cells in the stomach. O 0. Best wishes, Considering digestive enzymes may also help and based on your feeling of fullness and bloating, getting tested for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) might also help solve some issues. But couldnt get any relief.. I live in Australia,and really enjoy your articles. Same here one morning i woke up so sick ans throwing up. So what do I do? [Ref], Osteodystrophy and osteomalacia occurred in patients with chronic renal impairment and/or on long-term treatment. I have had a second endoscopy and seen two more GIs and they are clueless. My stomach isnt working right its like everything I eat causing it, I eat do healthy. My thoughts are it may be a gas trapped in my esophagus. a metallic taste in the mouth) is a disorder known as parageusia. If I complain to my colorectal surgeon, he tells me to see my gastroenterologist,who. They both treat patients with issues like this frequently and would be happy to help! Hi Lesley This taste remains in my mouth til the time I am awake..I consulted with physicians, gastro-enterologists, and ENT Surgeons .. Id recommend you discuss HCl supplementation with your primary care physician before starting as this should be done slowly and under doctor supervision. When you take a bite of anything-from a Big Mac to that $500 meal over at Alinea-your teeth grind the food to a pulp that your mouth mixes with digestive enzyme-laden saliva, and after a few seconds it all plunges southward toward your stomach. I have had issues with my GI tract for about 3 years now. Posted Thank u so much for this article. https://shop.wholehealthchicago.com/citrus-bitters.html I have had this sour bitter taste even before I was diagnosed. I have had a lot of issues with pain, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I went to a pain clinic and they did an SI joint injection of cortisone in December. But only 1 time did I get so I was in bed and the pain was too the point I thought I easily could have died. This symptom could come from a number of causes. I have been on it ever since. It is possible that during anxiety attacks and stress that you may be having a minor gum bleed. Susan, I have had a terrible taste in my mouth for over 2 years now! It's hard to be motivated to eat when the taste is terrible and nausea is present. A metallic, bitter, or foul taste in the mouth is also called dysgeusia. After reading this post Im wondering if it could be low stomach acid. Hoping to get some solutions on what I can do/take to cure the issues. My hair falls out, my nails get brittle, my eyes get dry and I cant concentrate on anything due to the discomfort. The supplement Alyce handed Claudia was Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL). I did some research because every doctor or ER visit turned up nothing but IBS, gastritis, panic attack, mental issues, and heartburn. Read this, and I have most of her symptoms. I tapered to 20 mg omeprazole and no Zantac a few days ago. I have symptoms of LPR, especially lump in throat. While its extremely counterintuitive to add still more acid for a condition that seems to be caused by too much acid, when Alan Gaby, MD, author of Clinical Nutrition explains it, betaine makes sense. Im taking l-glutamine at mo. My throat is very sore, whats best way to heal it ? The occurrence of this weird taste may be intermittent or may last for a long period, depending on the causal factor and the care taken. Potential causes if you're experiencing a bad taste in your mouth: Poor dental health: Improper oral care causes tooth decay, gum disease, or infection, causing a bad taste. Thanks so much for your help. I have adult acne and it is a lot worse when I eat wheat (deep boils/spots/bloated/fatigue) We have nervous in our stomach that trigger our anxiety. Consuted a Western doctor from polyclinic (who said it wasnt oral thrush) I had my gallbladder removed 7 almost 8 weeks ago and still can't eat . I feel so bad for him. One minute Im taking apple cider vinegar then next enzymes, but very confused what to use. Will supplementing with digestive enzymes help my stomach acid get back to normal ? -Lost weight - from 155 to 139 -Upper Chest Pain, pretty much all day (hopefully gas trapped there) -Dry Mouth all day - often feels like trouble swallowing -Flare ups that mimic heart attack and cause me to panic (emergency room twice) -Metallic taste at times I've eliminated all bad foods, caffeine, booze - to no avail. Cons. The most commonly reported side effect was constipation. I am very concerned about this bitter/rancid taste along with the inability to smell or taste. Supplementing with HCl should be done with the assistance of your healthcare provider to ensure both that its the proper therapy for you and that its done safely. Some medications or a change of her current medicines may be prescribed by her doctor to help provide relief. Try the betaine alone for 2-3 weeks just to see if you really need the Nexium. appropriate medical assistance immediately. I am at my wits end and it has zapped all the joy from my life. I think your GI doc is on the right track. It is created by eHealthMe based on reports of 134,298 people who have side effects when taking Crestor . Not one person has done anything beyond look in my mouth and say hmmm, seems normal. I will continue to see if taste improves, thanks, Susan. It would be best to have a functional medicine workup, and any of our functional medicine providers can help with this. By eating small meals, the vile taste would relent for a couple hours, but inevitably it would return. Its affecting my life, I gave up bread & dairy but I dont think its what Im putting in its how its not digesting. Dr M. Thank you If were not convenient to your location, you can google the Institute for Functional Medicine for other like-minded physicians in your area. Il. I have been on corticosteriods and synthroid for almost 20years. 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