Its pervasive with men and women. These are interior designers and contractors. And yes they sound condescending. And lets not ignore the disproportionate amount of times speech pattern analysis (even here, in this comment section) is essentially just an excuse to satisfy a societal itch to hate things that are trending amongst young women. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. Are you listening to me? Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? Our and Hour is pronounced and sounds the same. Youre not crotchety. Annoying! We do a lot of VO recording work with China in particular in teaching English to school children, and are careful to provide proper grammar and usage in that regard. Please share more comments on this, and specifically what other patterns youd like to see us include in the next video. 2 the addition of ing to verbs I refuse point blank to allow anyone to communicate with me other than within the acceptable parameters of good spoken and written English i.e. I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. News Media and Teachers are mispronouncing this word. He recently tweeted, "I've said this before, I'll say it again. One will usually do the trick! It is so rehearsed and not natural. But if there was a single origin, the West Coast USA seems more likely to me considering the larger population and the amount of film and TV produced there thats consumed internationally. OK. How about the recent clipping to the end of some words. Example.. Then there is the over use of the word Like & So !, as well as misusing words like adulting. Maybe we could call it Blah-de-Blah Speak. If you cant say it right how can you spell it correctly. But we especially hear about the tone and timbre of reporters' voices. For example, I have to walk my doggggg, pick up the kidddds, and go grocery shoppinnnng. If he catches that he's saying "you know" a lot, he'll try to cut down on using it. The voices on NPR are more diverse than ever. It makes me terribly sad. Further, it seems that engaging in these practices seems to indicate a greater authenticity for Gen Z and Millennials. The tone, rhythm, and inflections grate on the ear. She has been a proud member of the Screen Actors Guild since 2005. You hear it I. interviews with British movies stars. Some time around the late 90s, early 2000s, it was taken off the graded subjects. I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. This segment aired on February 27, 2023. e.g. No, thanks. Its so distracting! Im British and cant say Ive ever heard anyone say Yes, no to answer a question, so Im pretty sure its not trendy amongst British speakers. But I find it truly obnoxious that every other sentence (or more) begins with the word Look. is my dog No! Im glad to discover I am not alone. Hearing Americans and Britons speak is psychological torture. I find that more often there is not an understanding of why this might be appropriate, especially by my younger students & family members. Thanks for confirming that its a new thing. The one voice that NPR does have on hand that presents a good marriage of youthful freshness and traditional diction while remaining pleasing and understandable is David Greene, currently on Morning Edition. I may be a little looser with my language, grammar, slang with my close girlfriend than in a business or unfamiliar situation. Im not an imbecile who is unable to follow a connected train if thought! I can sense the pits of hell opening within my spirit and anger arising like smoke of an erupting volcano, ahhhhh! or I I I I I I dragged out and finished with uh.. Fast forward to 2020 and, although I love shows about animals like the various zoo reality shows on Animal Planet, I cannot watch the one based out of Australia. What is that??? Vocal fry refers to a low, glottal, animal-like sound that speech pathologists consider a vocal disorder. I was actually googling, trying to find if this type of (annoying!) Please. It may have developed independently in both places. Stop talking like that!. These little speech micro trends seem to pop up every now and then, then fade away over time (thank God!). I started listening to podcasts regularly in the past year and find that I really zero in on speech patterns since Im not distracted by how the speaker looks or moves. Other wise, this is mostly normal talk for everyone. The broadcasters at a local TV newsroom think that sentences end with three periods. My wife has been sucked in and watches all of these, albeit now in private, as I spend most of my time pointing out how these dumb narcissistic losers, sap the very life out of all right-thinking folks within humanity. Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. I just wish I had a remote control that worked on people with a tangible presence. One listener from Massachusetts wrote: "We are writing to express our concern about the prevalence of the vocal fry affectation adopted by too many of your broadcast correspondents. Would you please counsel ME on it? In our house it is forbidden LOL. For me, its the high-pitched, pinched, nasal voice that sounds so flat and grating from women on TV. What I was really searching for is the new pattern that my daughter seems..touse. By saying that (usually at the end of a sentence) it prevents someone else from talking or contributing their 2 cents, waiting for whatever follows the But.uh. EXAMPLE: I got a call back from this employer offering me the job. Please. Sheesh. Wu-ut? Also, another annoying speech pattern is this: Costant micro-pauses after each couple of words, like if theres a question being asked or theres always some doubt. Does that mean that Aussies and New Zealanders are not sure of themselves? It's BS. (Thuh ocean, thuh actor). They're actually choosing their path and doing the steering.". Yeah, no. I wonder how many of these patterns we can blame on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other shows of that ilk. I am dropping the mike now. And they do it a lot. Auto-formatting removed the numerous spaces between the words in my last sentence, rendering the example less than illustrative. And, for the sake of diplomacy, keeping the peace, or not wanting to appear to be snobbish or hurtful, we have simply stopped giving each other constructive criticism regarding our flaws. For example youre not just happy to be here today youre SUPER happy. Its super annoying. Corollary: being excited about even the most routine, long-anticipated events, such as the press release I saw last week about a new software upgrade that the developer was super excited to announce. That was actually in the written press release. I wondered if I was alone in my discomfort. I mean, like, Im literally, like, here. I am glad you are pointing them as incorrect and idiotic. The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. Our language is being bastardised for their own purpose, throat fry, non-pronunciation, just being annoying. Someone mentioned literally here and now that I think of it that one annoys me when I hear the younger members of the family use it, as well as actually. We really owe a lot to the guy who invented that, I mean, really. All the best to you in navigating our wonderful world of words! Yes, I understand that my fixated attention on these patterns is what is causing me to be distracted. Just because theres a stringor SHTRingof letters composed of an s, t and a nearby r, doesnt mean that English suddenly and surreptitiously morph into German pronunciation. I get annoyed when people on TV or radio speak too quickly while also using fillers such as umm or uh. Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. Anyone care to comment? To me, that sounds idiotic and uppity, not to mention the hyper pronunciation. I wonder if its the education system, or perhaps social media or television. She is one of the favorite voices in the NPR. , Your email address will not be published. You obviously havent heard anyone say super over and over. I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. Part Two: Here Comes AI, Is the Golden Age of Voice Over Gone? They are rampant in the South. Noticably used televangelist pastors and political speeches. When I go into the 4th, 5th grade classes, I write my name on the board in cursive. If I.could. Add on the ground. Even when an exact location is given, the ubiquitous use of on the ground, drives me quite mad. What is it called when people stress the end of the last few words of a sentence as if they are using. For everyone posting examples of patterns, if its possible to include a link to a Youtube video that illustrates the example, that would really help everyone know exactly what you are talking about. For example: As leading lady in Synetic Family Theatre's "The Fisherman and the Golden Fish," she and the cast earned the Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Production of Theatre for Young Audiences. Duffin said she notices if she sounds "too throaty or gravely" while recording. This usually entails drawn out words: Sooosomething reeeaally horrrribllllle happened todaaayyyy I broke my cat candlllllle.. (Pout face). Is there a name for this type of speaking? The millions of people who comprise society absolutely do not need to adapt to the annoying speech patterns of an entitled few. The kind of/sort of pattern I first noticed about 8-10 years ago and it was my old pet peeve; maybe Ive grown used to it by now. I thought I was an a-hole for being annoyed at these things. But Glass said in that episode that he never hears about his. My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. The pervasive use of hypophora, mostly in spoken media, is more than annoying to me! Its a lisp and something that should have been fixed in grade school. Young women of all nationalities reporting from the most secluded parts of the world use these odd tones, rhythms and inflections. This cymbal sound bite, arent event how a professional drummer would play, or maybe would not immediately make this sound unless the cymbals were damaged somehow. context or discernible link to the discussion. I call this the singing list, the intonation conveys a meaning that the list is long, maybe endless, and whats being sung is a representative/illuminating example, but not exhaustive. I understand that enunciation is a part of the job they do, but to over pronounce a word by adding an extra vowel does not sharpen the words; it dulls the wit. I respectfully disagree. Many people confuse further and farther or say me and you instead of you and I. is a problem. Hansen strives to make quality performance accessible to everyone, whether as a performer, creator, strategic leader, or coach. Instant shutdown. It has an r in it (two , to be pendantic) and I am not a child. THANK YOU for this! Its one of my many pet peeves in newscaster-speak, and I hear this one all the time especially from Rachel Martin on NPR. I had to fight my own brain!". Even politics reporter Detrow, who doesn't hear from listeners about his voice, said he evaluates his own interviews. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. Where did it come from and what were they thinking? Suddenly I see the speech patterns that seem unnatural and improper. I dont know of any name for that But reading your comment makes me think that maybe a lot of this type of speaking comes as a side effect of the Youtube and social media age, where people try to stand out and get noticed any way that they can. Heres a new video we created to demonstrate some of the more common patterns you hear today. Thatsaid when I want to pause, shake my head a little & say Wait, what?. 3) HGTV shows are the worst for this offensive language. and then I got stuck in trafiiiiic, so I was late for woooork, people are off siiiick, we have more to doooo, I had t skip luuuunch ad nauseam. Listen out for it ; itll shock you just how common it is! I am a voice artist as well and I make SURE there is no creaks in my work! It starts at home and moves to the classroom. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The ending gah sound, as in reading-gah drives me nuts. My current favorite is folks who add the word literally to every statement. I dont watch a lot of TV; but when I do I have to mute all the commercials. Over the past few decades we have grown more to accept/tolerate each others personal shortcomings in professional places. There are many more I could come up with, but tedious at the moment. Arent there any metrics showing that people fast forward when they come on? Garage soft zzz, not hard J at end. How do these people even get the job? Thank you, Debbie! In addition, the effective and efficient usage of the words effective and efficient is an effective and efficient means of increasing effective and efficient effectiveness and efficiency. I am a white dude on the radio, and no one has EVER tweeted at me critiquing my voice. "People forget that there's a person on the other end of the email," Duffin said. Also, the millennial kid who is fd in the head trying to sound so sophisticated, like he is an expert at everything and demeaning to everyone. No one speaks like that in conversation and I find it both distracting and irritating. The voices on NPR are more diverse than ever. Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. I think its an attempt to sound more confident, self-assured and forceful. I had never noticed the yeah yeah yeah but within ten minutes I heard it on tv. It makes my skin crawl, when people say are, when it is PRONOUNCED, OUR!!! I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. So, what weve found in our research is that people tend to add this word as a way to sound informal yet still be an expert.. This morning in class? Consider Bertie Wooster in the Wodehouse Jeeves stories. For instance LAST becomes LOST. Its lazy and not particularly descriptive. Oh brother, Frankie! Based on a 2010 NPR Music survey of its listeners * Missing: Mohammad-Reza Shajarian * Ahmad Zahir * Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan * Asha Bhosle * Esma Redzepova * Sezen Aksu * Dennis Brown * Radmilla Cody * Khaled * Twinkie Clark * Amalia Rodrigues * Concha Buika * Chavela Vargas * Camaron de la Isla upspeak, vocal fry, constant buzzwords, overworked filler phrases, etc. This had to have started with someonemaybe a Kardashian? Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. If the person is on TV, I have to change the channel. I agree with Angela Brookman, above, in her complaint about people now refusing to pronounce the T sound in words (Im told the phenomenon has a name: T-glottalization), though I take issue with her examples, clarity and poverty. What drives me up a wall is when young people and that is who is doing this now drop the T sound in the middle of a word, such as kitten. They say kih-uhn. And mitten is mih-uhn, and written is wrih-uhn, and so forth. The kids were GRADED on handwriting in their report cards, and it was considered an important skill. Soooooo, its bad enough when girls speak that way but, when a guy does it, I know were in trouble. No, sorry. An awful conversational bridge. Someone. to make it sound as it is so amazing, and all-important. Moving forward, going forward, I turn off the radio. Hansen began acting at age 5, and was a cast member of a TV series on resisting peer pressure at 12. I am so tired of women trying to sound like little girls and drawing out their s sounds. Thank gawd to learn Im not the only one who bitches about these assaults on English. Its not even with lists. And that show was probably a 5 year old rerun. You paying attention? It grated on my ears. I dont claim to speak perfect English but these are things every child learns in grade school. I watched a high school teacher being interviewed on television and every other word was one of the phrases that make me tune out as I am bound to do when I am forced to watch a powerpoint presentation. Who is telling people to jut their bottom jaw out and keep their tongue from going past their teeth? AMEN. I want to shout at them all and saystop being sheep all of you, keep your individuality, its much more interesting, and real. The over use of the word like doesnt bother me too much. Yet its undocumented. Fabulous opinions everybody: a terrific discussion! Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. Of course, that is a feeling that non-white, non-male, non-midwesterners have felt for most of the history of broadcasting. They even create elaborate spoofs, like this send-up of the "annoying" podcast voice. At work, I am surrounded by intelligent and well-educated women in their 20s to 40s who speak this way. I hope that there will be some attention paid to restoring some respect for our language in generations to come. They are not harmonious. None of these up-and-coming phrases ever appear in scripts that I read for actual voice-over jobs or auditions. So. Every time I hear her voice, I immediately reach for the volume and turn it down. its there, though much less pronounced (sic.). Hell start a sentence, but then even before he gets to the part that he wants to bully you into agreeing with, hell stick in a right?! Any and all bridge words used frequently in conversation is exceedingly annoying. Been a proud member of a sentence as if they are using written is wrih-uhn and! Add the word like & so!, as well and I am not a child distinctive voice news! Used frequently in conversation and I hear her voice, said he evaluates his own interviews even politics reporter,. 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