we broke up but still spend time together

She is thrilled to have helped so many couples find each other, reignite the spark and save their relationships (hopefully not all those steps are necessary). You cant make him change his mind by reassuring him of your feelings for him. Why is me being supportive of him talking to other girls so upsetting to him when he was the one who broke up with me and stated we needed to see other people? It suits me,but I know realistically I cant always ignore him. Since we split, we didnt talk for about a week.I saw a post that reminded me of him and I shared it on fb but i didnt tag him in it. Our relationship has always been great. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. So, there are definitely risks to consider. Once i blocked him, i was free and i didnt even think about him. Its been a month since the breakup and I feel lonely. It can also help us recover from the relationship we once shared. If he goes out of his way to introduce you to his friends and family or includes you in group activities, it shows that he still cares about your opinion and feelings. Ive said to our daughter that when she is ready I will support her decision to meet the girlfriend. If your ex is really, really angry at you, that does not necessarily mean your ex hates you or doesnt love you anymore. Oh my My ex is still in love with me according to your list!!! Is your ex stubbornly staying single in a quest to find themself? Taking a break from a relationship can sometimes be the best way to build a stronger union in the future. Please help! All of this closure your ex is trying to get from you means that they are still trying to sort out your breakup for themselves. So i always feel like he has to sneak to talk to me. Also, we may still be interested in staying close due to shared interests, mutual friends, and other social connections. I no longer start these conversation and I try to keep it casual and fun. He sounded confused and low but he is really sure of the breakup. This allows us to keep up with family traditions and cultural norms in our respective societies. How do i kno hes worth it?? Though we are no longer dating, we might continue to act like a couple because we still want to be in each others lives. Shock and denial go hand in hand. Exes often suggest being friends because simply downgrading your relationship seems safer than making a clean break. Does your ex mention how great they are doing at the gym? They might also need to work together as a team to provide financial support and emotional stability for their children. We have 2 grown kids and grandchildren. After we started making plans to move to California, everything was set. They might also feel weird about dating someone because they are holding out hope for your relationship. Anyone have any advice? Do you feel confident you could reliably get in touch with your ex and get their help if you really needed it? That couple may have a good shot of getting back together. He wants to remain really good friends. Ive been dating this guy for about 8 months. He also said we are not compatible then he said im not career oriented then he changed the reasons within hours. Hey there, so no you do not want to reach out and take back what you said as you need to just go into a NC and give your ex some time and then you work on yourself for a while and reach out after 30 days with a text that Chris suggests. (mind you, drunk me is a very friendly person). In fact, Id say that a majority of people who get their ex back after a year utilize a method we call moving on without moving on. This is when theyve tried everything to get their ex back and completely failed. He told he loves my kids and thinks theyre great kids. While there are many reasons why people break up, ultimately, it comes down to a lack of compatibility or a fear of intimacy. I really really want him back. Has your ex been hooking up with a lot of different people? We've been together for over a year and I thought we would spend the rest of our lives together. We share kids as well so id even do a joint movie or weekend taking them somewhere, but seriously, for me its entirely friend zone, im just not interested in ever coupling up again. When eventually he called me to apologize for the breakup (his idea), he explained that he was getting himself together.. So what if its been on/off and the mix of things Ive written is thrown in? Does your ex give off the vibe that they are showing off? Waiting that long isnt the point of this article, though. Stay up to date with what you want to know. But we never fought, never had any real issues before this. Im in a slime r reationship that impacticm is e, You might want to get out of the slime relationship Judy, that sounds awful and serious . And there are many reasons why people do this, but I will discuss the 12 most common ones in this blog post. If the relationship is going to work in the future and both individuals are committed to moving forward, you'll both need to tackle the reasons for the breakup or separation. I dont deserve him.. yet i treated him worse than chris and he considers me his good friend? He might even post something like Im better off without her. If your ex keeps replying to you with words like cool or Thats awesome, what are you supposed to do with it? At that point when I asked if the new girl was his gf he said yes (which was a new development from what he had said 3 weeks before). Well that suits it up! Its a solid sign your ex still loves you when exes friends get in touch with you for no good reason. I tried ringing my daughter last week whilst she was out with him, and he picked the phone up and started asking me so many questions.its tiresome,however I feel Im being hijacked,because I know that whilst hes with my daughter I cant just put the phone downthat just sends out the wrong message.,and I love her so much. My ex called time on our marriage, i moved on quickly. Posted by 1 year ago. Is this a big no no for you? The last time (about 5 weeks ago) he said it was for good (Ive heard that before) and he was upset with my never ending emotional messages. You'll feel stronger and more empowered, and that can make it easier to deal with the emotions around the breakup. 3. I know I want to do NC so he misses me and so I can work on myself, but should I tell him before I do NC that I didnt mean what I said? he gave up so easily. Cuddling is incredibly intimate, and it can be a big mistake if you find yourself doing it with someone youre not in a relationship with. Jealousy even when your ex is careful about how they show it is a pretty good sign your ex still loves you. ( I had two days of this) ..hes rang my friends husbands numerous times asking what Im doing, who Im with, if I go out, got his sad sister to go through my Facebook to see who Im talking to, and gone through a male friends Facebook page too.Ive had phone calls where he questions what Ive said to people,or wether he will let me keep my car ( he pays for at the moment) its been a nightmare. All those late nights I spent wondering, does my ex still love me? turned into complete certainty when we got back together several months later. 2. Though it can be painful, heartbreak is not always the end of the story. Coaching clients who really absorb what I teach are often confused about why their ex seems so uncertain about tying up loose ends. We broke a few years ago and i'm still single by choice. He sends mixed signals and when I least expect it he congrats me like You should be proud! If you truly want to move on after your breakup, you might want to avoid staying friends with your ex. Help please. It wasnt that i didnt totally love her, i did, it was just that she was so cold and dark about it all that it kind of shocked me and later (quite quickly) made me see another side to her personality, a side i didnt want to be with. it was perfect until about 3 weeks ago. I dont know what in the world Im supposed to do because I still love him with all my heart. But I think that maybe with the quarantine, he got closer to her in those weeks (despite long distance)? This message shows how impressed her ex was with her ability to grow from the breakup. 3. The end of a relationship is never easy, especially when there are still feelings between you and your former significant other. Set house rules and boundaries. My ex and I split up mutually, he then told our child he had met someone new two weeks later ( Im sure he overlapped a month maybe two before we split) upsetting herasking her if she wanted to meet her? Even if a couple doesnt get back together, they can still remain friends and have a healthy relationship. Required fields are marked *. You're still used to being around each other and talking to each other like a normal couple. When your ex still loves you and wants you back, their friends and family may gently try to push you toward each other both because theyre incredibly sick of listening to your ex endlessly rant about you. Archived. One way to tell is by looking at how he treats you. Now Im not saying that its impossible to get an ex back after a few years, but the odds of that happening are definitely stacked up against you. In fact, some research suggests that it may be possible to stay in love even after breaking up. I guess when he read that I was in psych he was really upset and couldnt work. He even told me they never had sex. Hi Chris. That doesnt make this person mean or evil, just human. This was my first relationship and I have no idea what will happen now. Every relationship is different and you'll want to consider many factors before giving the relationship another shot post-apology. Its time for hobbies, distractions, and things that make you happy. This is not the behavior of exes who have moved on. Then decided to take this woman to our holiday home,and afew weeks later move in with her. Whats should I do? One of the more obvious signs your ex still loves you is that they stay in touch with you. Doing this allows us to have some part in each others lives post-breakup and potentially maintain our friendship. We were young so I didnt condone what he done but I understood he was maturing and temptation was there. According to him shes happy for us but according to his mom shes a jealous control freak. Honestly, whenever fought. 1. He had a bad relationship 4 years before dating me, making him insecure and distrusting of women. Women often break up and move on when they feel like they have tried everything to make the relationship work. Im an artist and hes a scientist. The opposite of love is genuine indifference and apathy. Im bit scared about the non contact rule as he may think I do ignore him and I moved on with my life and all is gone, he is not much type of person to fight too much he better suffer and run away hoping will get better Im not bombarding him with my txt etc. I know his feeling are true about me. He is the love of my life and I just want my family back. He was this shimmery, shiny, exuberant, happy, oblivious, at times loving, distracted, boundry-less individual I grew to love and hate. He was supposed to come here to visit me and the kids but kept changing his plans and saying he didnt have the money to come see me but has the money to go to his exs graduation. It can also help you realize youre not with the right person. In practice, trying to stay friends with your ex (when you still want them) is painful, since it keeps reopening the wound you are trying to heal and move on from. By understanding the reasons, you can better cope with breakups emotional pain and begin healing. Well.. its hard to say with no real evidence, Sandra but breakups are unique like snowflakes. My situation falls into a lot of these categories! And if your ex already knows you have moved on and there is someone else in your life, do they keep bringing it up? I told him that I love him too but either were together or not Im not just going to be his friend because thatll hurt me more. That isnt to be arrogant as i didnt realise i had that ability. He also said they barely talk and when they do, its only texting. We are both 35 so we arent young people. Even if you knew that the relationship was in trouble, you never actually thought that a breakup was possibleyour significant other loved you too much to leave. Then you have to take action before its too late. Are they acting pathetic and doing the hurt and wounded broken wing act? Later, I found out for certain that he still loved me, but when he initially broke up with me and told me it was over he was hurting and angry and a whole bunch of other emotions that took him a lot of time to process. Could it work to be together? After that I sent him a few texts that I still miss him and if we could meet, but still no reply.. he didnt really said he wanted to break up he just said, I dont want to talk to you and I want more then just space. Sometimes I get frustrated with new clients because they think if they simply follow the rules without putting in any effort, their ex will drool over them. Once I got my phone turned back on, he told me that he asked his ex wife if she had extra graduation tickets, he said she said no. and he brought her to his apartment to spend the day together just 2 days after I left. This could look like staying friends or continuing to text and talk on social media. The one time he did return my text was when I asked if we could meet you. I didnt text/call him after that. Do you still have a lot of your exs belongings? This means that they start treating you in a friendly but not friends type of way. Know the Truth, 10 Tips on How to Co Parenting with Someone Who Hurt You, How to Beat Contempt of Court for Child Support: 4 Easy Ways. READ THIS My ex has issues but I still want to get back together When people come to me for private coaching to get their ex back, the first things I ask them about their breakup or divorce are questions designed to find out whether there are signs their ex still loves them. Because they don't care. This detached emotional reaction toward an ex is way different than passionate anger, sadness or much else. When he left it broke ny heart so I feel like I have no choice but to move on. While there are no guarantees when it comes to love, these signs can help give you some insight into your guys heart. Its about becoming this super confident untouchable woman that every man would want including your ex. I told him I was deleting and blocking his phone number. Both of our colleges are there and i have a job waiting for me. Your ex could be hoping for your approval. I would never have asked for the divorce, was 100% loyal the whole marriage, and she had a great lifestyle which pretty much all her friend envied. Your ex is most likely trying to drink and party in an effort to forget you. Worked 6 years as a relationship development trainer. I married for love and got cheated on, he got married love but she didnt love him. They found that about 40 percent of the students kept in touch with an ex. Helping the children adjust even after their parents separation is essential. And that sucks so badly I want to through up. I want my family back and I know he misses his son as he only sees him on weekends now. He can't go 2 weeks without being with me. He was really surprised by that. The reason I did NOT drag my feet was because I had excellent relationship coaching. can time apart really make your relationship stronger. When i went to his place to pack up my stuff, he cried so hard. I admitted what I did wrong and took steps to prove I was not talking to this person anymore or hiding anything. INSIDER spoke to therapist and relationship expert Rachel Sussman to find out. waw Seatle, I just left the exact same kind of man. A month after he dumped me, I flirted with him and he flirted back after I told him how i miss his sexy blue eyes, he says And I miss you seeing them Is it normal for a man to suddenly be happier in my presence and forget about the hurt of his wife cheating and the demise of his family unit? Click here to find out if you can save your relationship. At the moment Im doing NC, just for self preservation and to help me move forward. This was a man who idolised us,and Im not naive to say our relationship was great because it wasnt. As far as your daughter is concerned, try to be as kind to him as you can and as far as the other woman is concerned, try to ignore it. When we met i was married and so was he. I just wish I never messed up, but guess it makes up for a bright future. Although the space you are living in is shared, you will both want to set boundaries now as the relationship changes. Will he ever think about me? But I refused because deep down, needed him more than the money, but I cannot tell him about that, I just want him to take me back without me forcing him. That is because of 2 years old son. Then I acted liked I cared and it confused him. Heres the Facebook post about the success story: Now, that message really is the perfect example of your ex drooling over you from afar. even when i needed to use the restroom, he followed me to each restaurant to find an available restroom. The real sign that your ex still loves you and doesnt want to let go is whether they consistently try to spend time with you after saying they want to remain friends. The temptation to stay up late, pointlessly wondering what your ex is doing can be really hard to resist. The truth is that I am not it is all a show so he doesnt see my pain.. Should I have a sit down with him and confess that I am very much in love still or just let him go like he said when he left? As a result, your exs new fling has probably heard A LOT about you. Today, Im going to take you through six signs that your breakup is NOT permanent. He still tells me everything. It can also mean revisiting places we once went together or doing activities we once loved as a couple. Why, when I hear his name do I get so angry, I could burst? I dont know if he still seeing this girl outside work as 3 days ago he say he will stop and told her alreadybut as Im not with him I dont know also she is so young and I think using him not to be alone as first time in her life living alone think not much friends Please help me I do anything and pay anything just not sure about this no contact towards him if something else is possible than that will be great. My current partner once returned after 10 months of complete no contact. and it seems like he just cant handle strong emotions well now Similar situation happened yesterday, I suffer when I see him like that. If there isnt a good reason, staying in touch with the people you love would be too painful or pointless for your ex to even bother with. My ex does almost everything on that list except drunk dial and have a new girlfriend. Well, I met my ex online from a chatroom. The biggest sign here is that if your ex misses you, they may act competitive toward your new flame or make weird (awkward) comments about them. These are the things we learn about people as we date and get to know them better. All is said was lmao which is considered dry so he only opened it. But I have a question. My ex is a Gemini Man and he studys Psychology and is very knowledgeable of things like this site. For the vast majority (over 90 percent), this communication began within a couple of months of the breakup and continued . My boyfriend broke up with me. I spent 19 years with my ex, it was a good run, but its in the past. He questions our daughter about me,and is desperate for her to meet the new girlfriend. When I first went to USA, things were going badly. Too many people to count say that their ex was ridiculously angry at them after their breakup but suddenly admitted they were still in love. I genuinely was supportive of him talking to other girls and it really shocked him. Lets say your ex is investing a lot of time talking to you, but what if all that time is just negative? Sometimes your exes friends and family will drop hints that your ex does still miss you, because they have probably listened to hours of analysis about the relationship. Your exs rebound person hates your guts with a fiery passion. I really want him back, but I think I may have pushed him away and the influence of his single friends has pushed him to make this decision. This allows us to remember and cherish the experiences we once shared together. I tell him to stop yelling at me and talk to me like an adult (which pisses him off even more) and he kicks me out of his house around 1 am. He handled it realy bad, he got extremly mad every time I tried to talk him to it so now he has some kind of allergic reaction to it- he cries, his heart beats like crazy and he doesnt know how to handle emotions Hes extremly emotional and sensitive, his self esteem is lower than ever, its heart breaking to see him like that.. we didnt contact each other after the break up. We were together for 6 years and theres a significant connection with us. If your ex reaches out to make amends about their past behavior, Sussman said it could mean that getting back together could be worth discussing. I do feel a compassion for her like id like to help her, but thats not romantic either, its trying to save a person who seems all over the place and perhaps self destructive. And we talked again May 18th in person about the relationship. Also, I have since dropped his stuff off at his house and started the no contact . I hope to see him again. Exes only act this weird when they either regret the breakup or still have buried feelings for you. After a relationship ends, knowing how to act around your former partner can be difficult. He comes back, again and again and again. In the end, it may even make your bond stronger. The truth is he never wanted to cut off, we even went to planned vacation together, he cooked for me when quarantine started, helped with home stuff (we dont live together), he invites me when his friends come over, we cuddle and kiss as we watch netflix, he still gets happy when he sees me smile. He came over to my house to tell me that he didnt think things would work out between us. However the more serious the issues the harder it is to transcend and make a relationship work.". If your ex didnt still care about you, they wouldnt be monitoring your social media content like it was essential late-breaking news. And honest to God, he seems not to understand. He has talked about the future of us getting back together and perhaps getting married. He says that they have been split since early 2014. Is it time to move on? Because next time he just might losevyou for good. Yet in fact this past August after my Summer breakup #2. He has specifically told me that we are never going to get back together to later say that there might be a chance for it to happen. Also Brendans birthday is a week after mine and he never bothered to wish me happy birthday last year, hrs older, hes 19, Im 18.