Christ will put ALL of his enemies under his feet and as of right now, his enemies include the devil and his angels (the pastors of Christianity). You are a heresy expert! Does this qualify as a scholarly answer David, even though your entire sermon lacks any worthy academic scholarship? Written By David Diga Hernandez The Church needs the Holy Spirit. Lol. Nothing is impossible and Only Believe are David Diga Hernandezs mantras. Your email address will not be published. He pointed at me and sternly said, I see the anointing of Oral Roberts.. For the first two months of ministry, I spoke at youth events. I may have depression, but depression doesnt have me. If you desire to bring the heavenly realm into this world, you must learn how to access God's divine authority in prayer. He only recently passed away, but his impact continues to this day. Naturally skeptical and analytical, I am the last person who should have ever been put into the healing ministry. Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible, How to Become a Friend of the Holy Spirit: A Featuring Teaching, Praying in the Holy Spirit: Secrets to Igniting and Sustaining a Lifestyle of Effective Prayer, David Funk, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Bethel, Music, Becket Cook, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Family, Church. David has written over 12 books in total. They had gone to the sessions, while I stayed behind in the room. Before we can understand 1 Peter 3:18-20, we have to understand the difference between being dead and being alive so lets simply define the two According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, the words alive and dead are defined as follow; Alive: having life, not dead or inanimate, still in existence, force, or operation. In verse 2, first group rising to (everlasting life?) And when I prayed for people, they would either fall onto the small tarp we laid or straight onto the dirt. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); For requests, complaints, suggestions or queries, contact us via E-mail below, Keith Moore Wikipedia, Age, Wife Phyllis Moore, Family, Net worth, Bio, Kellie Copeland Wiki, Husband, Married, Age, Daughter, Net worth, Bio, Laurie Crouch TBN :: Age, Birthday, Illness, Wiki, Matt, Children, Family, Gloria Copeland Age, Wikipedia, Health, Net worth, Wealth, Biography, Suzanne Hinn (Death, Funeral, Dead?) A part of the reasoning behind adapting the language for accessibility is the premise that more people will hear the Bible read aloud in a church service than are likely to read it or study it on their own. David says that Matthew 25:41 is a universalist nightmare and he also says that you will never hear a simple answer for the explaining of this verse but let me pose this question If the revelation of scripture was supposed to be simple, why would God raise up prophets to deliver His message? From that moment on, my ministry had a clear direction. A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host. The context of Psalm 90 has to do with TIME as if refers to mankinds experience of God. The bible is clear about the state of the dead and life occurs again only in the resurrection and not in some literal fairy-tale kingdom called heaven. Invite David Diga Hernandez to minister at your next church or ministry event. You literally damned me to your pagan hell and Im not even dead yet. David doesnt care that his theology totally contradicts scripture. Seems that your big hurdle to overcome is not so big after all. This witch does NOT have the God given power to resurrect people from the dead but what she does possess is the power to access false spirits or demons and this old man that Saul perceived in his mind was a demon. Last edited: May 27, 2015. In the second section, David attempts to the argue against the universalist position that hell is mistranslated from the original words in the Greek and Hebrew and he defines the bibles usage of the word hell as follows; Hebrew: Sheol = the place of the deadGreek: Hades = Greek equivalent of SheolTarturus = netherworld / place of punishment for demonic beingsGehenna post resurrection place of torment. You can find lyrics and chords to many christian songs. In the Greek, the words translated as torment typically refer to testing such as how metals are tested to determine how purified it is. Pay close attention here the scriptures NEVER state that Samuel came back from the dead. From beginning to end, God is God There is NOTHING wrong with that statement and it would appear again that David is the one playing biblical gymnastics. Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? Get enough sleep. There was no agenda. David is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take God's saving and healing power to this generation. I will never forget the look on his face while he was praying the sinners prayer & the way I could see a change in him afterwards.. Is that not a matter of time? Some years from now, he will be at an even better place than he is now and will be very well-known. 56 Mi piace,Video di TikTok da Grace ( "#christiantiktok #the Word@JESUS TO THE WORLD @David Diga Hernandez". It turns out that a similar thing happened to him. Guess what!? 24 Feb 2023 03:12:56 I think it strange that people criticize that God blesses and anoints. Do you remember? We have two groups of people discussed in Daniel 12:2-3. Look at this picture This is a picture of the Greek interlinear of Romans 16:25 taken from Strongs Exhaustive Concordance on the Blue Letter Bible website, a source that David himself quotes in his sermon. Well, sinful humanity is locked in the grave (Hades) for the wages of sin is death. 0 comment. Due to the fact that David spends a lot of time interjecting his personal ideas of universalism into his video, I will not waste a lot of time addressing such statements. These were the things healed: There were only two microphones set up. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. The fires of Gehenna are symbolic. I love the Lord more than anything. But wait, where is the English word eternal or everlasting? Dr. Strongs religious opinion doesnt automatically equate to truth. We are now in preparing to launch the next phase of Encounter TV. Go out and do so. Therefore look! His ministry is distinctly marked by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It must have been quite irritating or even odd for them tohave to answer the pressing questions of an eleven-year-old. David or Dave Hernandez may refer to: David Hernandez (actor) (born 1968) American film and Television Actor David Hernandez (singer) (born 1983), American singer David Hernandez (baseball) (born 1985), American baseball player David Hernandez (poet) (born 1971), American poet Does God promise eternal life to the believer? What is the purpose of punishment? It was sheer warfare over me. Some days this is how it feels, and the truth is things can always get worse. But for us, it has to be achievable. Hell is immoral. If his plan works, he promises to take all of his employees on a vacation when he returns. Your comment was extremely arrogant and offensive. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. Damning billions of peoples family members to some godless hell to be barbecued alive not even for a quadrillion eons but for all eternity is rank evil. Do you ever ask the Holy Spirit Why when someone is called mad? sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Listen carefully, there is NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, and NO WISDOM in Sheol (the grave). The everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels (which includes David, and the entire host of Christianitys deceived clergy) is AGE-LASTING for that is the true definition of the Greek word aionios. Do we have any REAL WORLD evidence that living things are alive and dead things are not? Lets allow the scriptures to teach us and not Davids unholy interpretation. After all, who thinks themselves important enough to write their own biography? The scripture he claims that supposedly gives us deeper insight into an afterlife is none other than the scripture in Deuteronomy that condemns the sin of necromancy or communicating with the dead. Yes it does but that is only part of the plan. What would be the purpose of all the prophets that God used if everyone could just read the scriptures and understand what it says? Responding to the call of faith in Christianity takes great courage. In this context, it is of the ages or eons that that God is being linked to. The other employees do not get to experience the special cruise. In 2018, David posted two newer videos titled, Debunking the Heresy of Universalism and I will be critiquing both of his videos to shed a better view on the teaching of universalism and why David himself is a heretic of the true gospel and a spiritual terrorist of Christianity. Be encouraged man of God. For David to suggest that a word that means an age can also mean a period of time that is also eternal is like saying we can wait for an everlasting minute. He says that hell get criticized and that no one has ever been able to come up with a good explanation for his interpretation of Luke 16. He gives a pretty lame analogy to support his theory with his comparison of the Hebrew and Greek words ruwach and pneuma which are both translated as breath, wind, and spirit. Gehenna defined as the post resurrection place of torment might not be too far off from an acceptable definition although I will confess that I do not share Davids zeal for people being tormented. In the first section, he proclaims that the early church fathers supported the modern teaching of a literal conscious hell but David is quite ignorant and irresponsible in his research. You gather the scattered sheep and watch over those You have gathered. In so much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it to me. How many so called Christians believe this lie? Behind a large concrete wall, among the poles of an unused tetherball court is where I first began to pray for the sick. Was the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross not sufficient? So, I approached him in the church parking lot. David Diga Hernandez 101K views Streamed 2 years ago The Beast System and the Last Days - LIVE Encounter Service - Denver, CO David Diga Hernandez 380K views Streamed 1 year ago Passion. David ends his sermon telling a story about a discussion he had with a pastor that was converted to universalism and he posed this question to that pastor? I dont think we really grasp the depths of depravity that is the nature of sin. I dont think we truly grasp how horrific and how atrocious our rebellion against God is.. If a person is saved, they dont need to be continually saved for all eternity for that is just stupid ideology. Shifting back to the New Testament, David again attempts to justify that the Greek word aionios pertains to an eternal afterlife. At the time, he directed worship for our church. Again, the word of God doesnt lie. God is loving and God is merciful. You go deeper into who the Holy Spirit is. He married Jessica in April of the same year. The special cruise and the vacation represent the 2 resurrection events with the first one being reserved for the few that the CEO entrusted with his business. That sounds exactly like Davids stupid square circles logic. Note: he has been sent this testing and I will post his response here if he does respond. Does anyone reading this have to be a theologian to comprehend that this language is speaking of a purification process? The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha is age-lasting and the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels is also age-lasting but who are the devils angels David has already given you his twisted theology on who he thinks the devils angels are but I can assure you as he has been consistently wrong, he is wrong again. You cant shove your convictions on me and expect them to overrule what I know. Age 20 David Begins Ministrys own Miracle Encounter Services. David Diga Hernandez is one of the richest people amongst the celebrity around the globe. David clearly likes to do a lot of cherry picking when it comes to quoting scripture but he never considers the context that dictates the meaning of the scripture (pun intended). The day of His coming may be the last day of what could be hell on earth. One interesting note is that in Dr. Strongs biblical definition of angel, he defines it as a messenger and by implication a PASTOR. Humans are ALL naturally bent towards evil and if it wasnt for God holding us back from ourselves, we would ALL do nothing but evil continually. Luke 13:6 He also spoke this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. In 1975, a pastor did a series of sermons on the modern movement which was negative and conveyed that it was of Satan. A parent must stop the spanking before the child can learn from it so the teaching of everlasting punishment is grossly evil and incoherent. Remember what I said earlier? March of 2012 I am celebrating 10 years in the ministry. So the proper rendering of the verse is to not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill your life (your carnal self) but rather, fear Him who can DESTROY both your body and your life (your carnal self) in Gehenna the Valley of Hinnom Does God really do this in the literal Valley of Hinnom outside of Jerusalem? David, or the word of God? However, as he gained popularity in the '90s, Hinn admitted he became "distracted." Its not heaven. The actual accurate definition of universalism is as follows: universalism is a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved. Davids outlandish interpretations are laughable and he being someone who has boasted about the context dictating meaning has once again failed to consider the context of Isaiah 57:2 so lets read verses 1 & 2 from a more responsible bible translation in the New King James Version; Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers That the righteous is taken away from evil. A MILLION THANKS TO GOD FOR YOU! Were you able to catch Davids own hypocrisy? This is really not that difficult to understand when we actually begin to unlearn the lies that have been shoved down our throats from the pulpits of Christianity for centuries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You cannot use your moral argument against the universalist for it is you that tries to convince people that being tortured in fire is actually a righteous act of God. Jesus was the centre of our family and still is. So, what is everlasting fire and is it really everlasting? Spanking a child for more than a minute or two is borderline child abuse for the point of spanking to begin with is to eliminate undesirable behavior. | Mathew 4:1-11 | the tempter came to him and said if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread) | . Pastor Eddie assigned me to my new ministry (without my consent). David does You have used nothing but heresy to justify the man-made creeds and traditions you cling to. THEY ALL DIED! I grew up in Calvary Chapel too! Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. The New Living Bible Translation is not necessarily a bad translation but if you take a look at the Wikipedia page of the New Living Translation Bible, this is what you will read concerning its own translation philosophy; The New Living Translation used translators from a variety of Christian denominations. Christ is talking about the judgment of God for God is a consuming fire but this is obviously symbolic language for God is not a literal consuming ball of fire. 1 Course Introduction. You like to lie dont you? Philosophers and great academician have long sough to understand this Question on the purpose of life. He has no spiritual insight whatsoever and his carnal minded teaching is consistent with the evil heresies spewed all throughout Christianity. David says that Jesus wouldnt use heresy to demonstrate a truth but guess who does? Top TV Evangelists Televangelists Ministers Net Worth Houses Homes. His emergence as a spiritual leader has seen him in demand to deliver his teachings around the world, filling out stadiums wherever he goes. David believes that the parallel of being given eternal life is equally contrasted with the unbeliever receiving everlasting punishment but we clearly see from the scriptures that aionios NEVER means eternal or everlasting. Well, what can I say David, you got me on this verse but before I give up, let me try some of my best conspiracy theory connecting of the dots to this to this to this to counter your argument. The next topic that David completely obliterates with ignorance is his teaching concerning the words in the bible translated as eternal, everlasting, and forever and ever. He is a pastor in a renowned evangelistic healing ministry in Southern California. And who can stand when He appears? This is what David considers to be worthy and just for God to punish humanity for all eternity in the fires of hell EATING A FRIGGING PIECE OF FRUIT David doesnt mention that it was God that first made man FLESH and with the flesh comes all of the lust thereof. Comments are turned off. His teachings can be seen regularly on JUCE TV, the youth-orientated Christian network as well as on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). There was an intense heat on my right hand. He has a variety of sources of income, which has enabled him to rise to the top of the list of the most prominent celebrities so rapidly and to the side of . Maybe, but ultimately Id guess it would be to serve the greatest cause. So how can they suffer the vengeance of eternal fire according to your teaching and the teachings of Christianity? Shalom. There are kings who have slaves and servants in the Bible. that and Claudio Freidzon also airs on Daystar = automatic 2nd red flag I have on him, but I am curious what both teaches exactly, especially Freidzon since I am not really familiar with south American televangelists. Kudos to them for executing the devils work to perfection and the proof is in the pudding. Good Now we have David, who is a self-proclaimed minister of the word of God that claims that Samuel was called back from the grave The word of God cannot be true as it is stated if what David says is true so who are we to believe? In 1977, I was invited to an Assembly Of God and was exposed to the tongues and slain in Spirit. Even if we disagree on the specifics of hell, to say that I dont get the idea of hell at all when Ive written an extensive piece about hell is an arrogant and a very dishonest position for you to take. 0 views, 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from David Diga Hernandez: What Happens When You Surrender to God #God #HolySpirit #Surrender #Obedience #SpiritualGrowth. Thank you for all the support and prayers.Help our ministry grow into the next phase. It is certain that humans can desire or wish for a thing and not actually have the power or the resources to make whatever desire or wish they have come to pass but please tell me what would stop God from getting what He desires? According to David and the theology of Christianity, Jesus dying on the cross wasnt enough and God failed in His quest to redeem humanity. Other powerful ministers of the word of God we have covered are Toni Collier, Sam Collier and Myron Golden. Thanks for sharing Gods words on youtube, Pastor David. Then you will be truly ashamed of everything you have done, for your sins make them feel good in comparison. Yet again, another Man of God worth over a million dollars. The messengers of the devil are HUMAN and it is but the leaders of Christianity that spread this most blasphemous and damnable message in their temples of terror (churches) not even realizing that it is Satans headquarters. David Diga Hernandez, YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL TERRORIST! Now, even if we are redeemed, I think God says there is still a price to be paid for our sin. May Our awesome Lord use you mighty even these last hours. I thank God for David the man of God. Davids definitions of Sheol and Hades are actually correct and that can easily be proven from the scriptures however, his definitions of Tartarus and Gehenna are extremely bogus. Only a year later, he started his TV ministry at the age of 17. God exists because He is the very essence of life and He is IMMORTAL! Looking back today, I realize that it was the testing ground the preparation for a future in ministry. The only thing David has debunked is his standing as a true minister of Gods gospel. His heresy of universalism states that everyone will go to heaven. A persons reality is only interpreted and understood through the mind based on ones life experiences and circumstances. He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness. David Diga Hernandez shares how to know you have the holy spirit with these 7 simple signs. But at that moment, he looked stressed. Guess what Im going to do? There was only one salvation that day, but I was overjoyed to see it take place. Shop our collection of Alibris Books Books online and get free shipping on $49+ orders! He has an older sister Raquel and a younger brother Michael. How absurd is that? His theory has a few problems and the first is that the words breath, wind, and spirit all have similar meanings and/or applications. Praise God, thank you, Jesus, for your servant, Pastor David for he touches the hearts of people. Thank you, Pastor David. A Mark of Spiritual Maturity #God #Jesus #SpiritualGrowth #BibleTruth . How he works in our lives his nature etc. Here is my question Who are the MANY being led to righteousness described in verse 3? The Lord and I are just getting started, barely scratching the surface of this ministry. Several year ago, David posted a video titled, A Demonic and Dangerous Heresy that is Spreading like a Virus however, that video is no longer posted on his channel. The ones he entrusted with his business he takes them on a special cruise only reserved for them. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health. And the overflow of power did, indeed, flood into the public places of my life. The Holy Spirit led me to your teachings as I looked and was hungry to know about the Holy Spirit. Your humility is striking, and speaks volumes as a man of God I am not a celebrity, but a servant. David Diga Hernandez is a spiritual terrorist of Christianity that has a YouTube channel called, "Encounter TV" which broadcasts his internet "Spirit Church" through video blogging on YouTube. It brings me much joy to expose you Christian liars and spiritual terrorists. Personal Life, Parents and Family Details : David's grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers. He pointed at me and called me to the front. Your email address will not be published. I look forward to becoming a healing revivalist that will carry the burning touch of God all the days of his and also impact peoples lives. He also has a weekly program, The Encounter, on JuceTV, a subsidiary of The Trinity Broadcasting Network. original sound - David Diga Hernandez. He debunks nothing and only rambles on teaching lies to gullible people that already look to him for guidance. When God cuts off or cuts out our sinful carnality, we will grow (learn righteousness) in the future and this is through the experience of Gods age-lasting pruning (corrective judgment). We cannot measure everlasting and to imply that there is more than one everlasting whatever everlasting means just causes ones head to spin. The spirits in PRISON that is, the prison of SHEOL/HADES are DEAD PEOPLE! According to Dr. Strongs Greek concordance, this Greek word kolasis comes from the root word kolaz and that word is defined as to punish, to curb, check, or restrain, to chastise or correct, and to lop or prune. Experienced and new believers alike will benefit from a rich, Bible-based exploration of the presence, purpose, personality, and power of the Holy Spirit. There is no consciousness in Sheol or Hades. Up to this point, I rejected most of the teaching on the Holy Spirit. David is so caught up with cherry picking scriptures that he thinks backs up his arguments when its clear that he is just an expert repeater. Lets Pray to Unite (not divide, humilty over pride). I guess according to David, the righteous die (but only pretend dead), then they go to this place where there is literal peace when they enter resting on literal beds This is OBVIOUSLY written in a poetic style. It is unbelievable and unimaginable that this man is in a position of leadership and I feel sorry for his puppets for he is leading them far down the road of deception and destruction. Required fields are marked *. Ministry and Spiritual Position were not even a concept in my mind. He says it was at the age of 11 that he met Jesus. This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. By the time he was in high school, David was performing miracles. You say that universalism stems from the idea that man has a higher morality than God. I share my time and efforts with total strangers for free to share truths that I believe have been revealed to me over time and I have been a blessing to many people. Hell itself is a doctrine of pagan origin which Gods people learned after He commanded them not to follow in the ways of the pagans. When we lose a loved one, we say silly stuff like, they finally got their wings suggesting that we just transform into angels to fly around in heaven I guess. Mr. Miyagi says, there are no bad students only bad teachers and while I only agree to that statement in part, it certainly applies to David. In 2016, he released two books, Carriers of the Glory and 25 Truths about Demons and Spirit Warfare. Encountering the Holy Spirit soon followed in 2018, reaching number on the best sellers list. Christ will reign for the AGES OF THE AGES for we clearly read in verse 25 that Christ must reign UNTIL (meaning up to the point that it ends) he has put all his enemies under his feet and then he will deliver the kingdom to God the Father. Help us complete our studio and continue in the work of ministry. This book is in very good condition; no remainder marks. The word preach in 1 Peter 3:19 comes from the Greek word kryss and it is also translated as the words proclaim and publish in addition to preach. My focus for this post is to address the so called doctrinal positions that he raises and the misinterpretation of scripture that he projects. Here is a list of the introductions to 6 of Christs parables all having similar wording while some even indicate that it is a parable. That is DEMONIC behavior so are we really supposed to believe that David is a ordained minister of God with this terrible teaching and weak attempt at justifying a literal afterlife? So, we have SCRIPTURES that tell us exactly about the state of the dead and then we have Davids interpretation about some so called afterlife. In the middle of the warfare, my dad entered the room. However, I am interested in where that money is going and how the ministry is serving. God-ordained people cant serve globally if they live in poverty. Based in Southern California, David travels worldwide to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry. Through his show, Hernandez has interviewed other Christians like, Others, however, defend this statement arguing that it is proper for people to get the context of his statement to understand what he was saying. The Greek words translated as ever in this bible verse comes from the Greek word AION which is appropriately translated as AGE in many bible verses. It is the way of eternal death with punishment.. 25 Truths about Demons and Spiritual Warfare: Uncover the Hidden Effects of Demonic Influence. There were instances when kids. May God bless you and your family. Hitler is perceived as one of the most EVIL people of all time yet what you teach about Gods judgment in comparison to Hitler makes his Auschwitz look like Disneyland. There was, however, a major turning point.
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